New Hampshire

Open Letters

Ok, so sometimes we need more than just Thursday and Friday to voice some vices. Open letters is a chance to write to someone or something to get stuff off your chest.

Let's give it a try!

Re: Open Letters

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Colleague,

    I am in the workroom listening to Pandora on my iPhone so I can get these damn papers graded during my interns solo week. Do you really not understand that when someone has headphones in they are trying to tune the world out? Interrupting me once with your casual banter was enough. You did not need to bother me again to discus who is showing which Rated R movie. I am not even a teacher in your department. Please go back to your EMPTY classroom and leave me alone.

    ~ A frustrated Mrs. B
  • edited December 2011
    Dear H & J,

    Please make sure you pay off all your debts before you move and change your phone number. We are really sick of getting phone calls about collecting money owed. I am thisclose to changing our phone number because it was once associated with sketchy you. 

    We want our own voicemails, not yours!

  • auntykarebearauntykarebear member
    edited December 2011
    Dear CEO,

    I hate you.

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Monkey Cat,
    The crib is not here for you - sorry.
    The Management.
  • EDK2010EDK2010 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Xander the Cat,

    Please stop trying to open the front door to our condo! It is not cool that you can now escape and our neighbor found you on the 3rd floor the other day roaming around. Just because when you stand on your hind legs you can reach the door knob and you are smart enough to figure out how to open it, does not mean you should! At 4 years old you should know better!

    Mom & Dad
    TTC #1 Since July 2011
    BFP #1 2/28/12- 3/3/12 CP at 4w3d
    BFP #2 4/1/12- 5/7/12 Missed M/C at 8w4d (measuring 6w3d)
    TTC on hold until December
  • edited December 2011
    Dear KM,

    Please let me know what is going on with the company?  I do not think it is realistic to stay in business.  We are so behind and drowning and I do not think we can catch up.  Do not keep saying m"we can do it!" because that and good attitude will not make it work.  I am not concerned about losing my job, I would rather have that happen at this point than to continue on for the next few months with an ulcer in my stomach from stress.  And yes, I do resent you for not taking the money offered to us when you had the oppertunity.  Everything that is going wrong with this company at this point I do blame on you.


    Dear IRS,

    why is it that everyone who makes the same amount of money as me gets back thousands of dollars more than me on their taxes?  I was planning to use that money for my honeymoon.  F*$K YOU.

    Yours Truly

    PS(This was an excellent idea.  I already feel a little better)
  • edited December 2011
    dear travel agents,

    please look at a map once and a while.

    thank you!

  • edited December 2011
    Dear Boss,

    EXCUSE ME for needing to go to the bathroom after already waiting/holding it for 1.5 hours. It's not my fault the stupid model calls for only be to be behind the line for 5 hours. Sorry if I need to pee for crying out loud. I don't appreciate you telling me to wait because "So and So needs to be making calls and can't really go behind the line" well yea, but I need to go pee and that is now part of his job. It will take 5 mins, and I have been waiting a long time. You really need to worry less about making calls and worrying more about what is going on in the branch and paying attention to those customers as well.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Dear Messy Roommate,

    Not gonna lie, we enjoyed that you were not here this weekend.  We didn't have to listen to your complaining or bug you to do your share of the cleaning.  And it was way less messy around here because everyone else takes their shoes off when they come in the door.  I'm not your mother and you need to be a responsible adult.  If you could work on that, we'd all appreciate it.  Thanks.

    The Naggy Roommate

    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • edited December 2011
    *This was a really cool idea we should do it more often!*

    Dear mom,

    Please understand that I'm a full grown adult and have been for quite sometime now.  I understand that in your day ladies married younger and their husbands took care of them, but it's different now and you know that because you had a career first then got married.  I have lived on my own since 22 (and away at college before that!), I've paid all of my own bills (car, rent etc.) without ever asking you for help.  FI works full time too in a real career job and we're very happy living in sin, it's not going to give us a higher chance of divorce I promise.

    I'm old enough to go on a real honeymoon out of the US despite delays in flights and "threats of terrorism".  I'm not changing my name so please don't tell everyone I am anyway, and no I won't change my mind in September, and I'm not a bad person or wife because I expect to keep my own identy when I've worked very hard to get educated and build a career for myself under this name.

    Finally, please trust in my descisions for my wedding.  You're not paying for it, and even if you could help it's supposed to be my day.  I appreciate you telling me you need to come along with me to pick out bridesmaids dresses you won't wear, or helping with invitations but if you don't like the idea, don't force me to change my mind it's getting really stressful and if we didn't have non-refundable deposits I really would get married on an island like I always wanted.

    So please understand that much of this day is for you and FI's parents who don't even care about the wedding.  Please show a little more gratitude and support, I do have a life outside of this wedding.

    With all of that, thank you for letting our relationship grow stronger and the way it should have been years ago, and when you do listen and let me vent it makes a world of difference.

  • edited December 2011
    Dear co-workers,
    Shut the F up!  I have had to take on extra work because you socialized too much and "couldn't keep up" with your work load.  Kindly shut it, so I can try to prove that it's possible and keep my sanity at the same time.  The alternative is that you continue to make me furious, and I continue to look for another job, which will eventually leave you with a lot more work than what you couldn't handle before.
    F you!  Yell
    The hardest worker, yet most taken advantage of person in the office, Me.

    Now, if only I had the cahones to say that in real life! 
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