I'm feeling tired and over dress shopping. I've gone to five places and probably tried on like 60-70 dresses and I still didn't buy anything today after three more stores. It's really frustrating.
I'm stuck on two dresses I guess, at this point. The one I've envisioned since the day I saw it seven months ago. Because I saw it so far before ever trying things on, it's what I've always pictured myself in. I'm having a really hard time getting over imagining myself in that dress. I showed FMIL all the pictures of the dresses I tried on today and she still loved it. It's this Maggie dress:
*Ignore my super tired eyes- I didn't sleep well last night and it shows*
The other dress I really liked. I guess I'm just having a hard time not envisioning the Maggie dress because I've been hung up on it for so long.
The other dress also laces up, but it was too big and was clipped, so I didn't get a picture of it.
I'm really stuck and struggling to make a decision. I'm usually pretty decisive, so I'm really uneasy about my inability to just say yes to either. If I get the New York Bride (second) dress, it's in my budget and I can order one and they offer hem to hallow sizing. If I get the Maggie dress I'll have to buy the sample to get it in my price range.
Opinions? Preferences? I'm really confused about what to do. My mom really wants me to decide this week so we can order it next weekend when I'm in town for my triathlon.