So most of us ladies have had that dream vision in our minds our entire lives of what our dress is going to look like, right? Mine was always the big, HUGE Cinderella dress. There was no way I would ever wear anything but that kind of dress. Ever.
Only problem is, I have tried on a good handful of those dresses and none of them really excite me. What I have been excited about (though I haven't tried any on yet...) are styles completely different than what I would have ever imaged wearing on my wedding day.
What shouldn't be a big dillemma is really tearing me up inside. I feel like if I don't get the dress I have dreamed about my entire life, I will end up regretting it. Has anyone experienced something like this? I don't want to get the "dress of the minute." I want to get the "dress of the lifetime."
And I know it's not all about the dress. But technically it is the part us girls have dreamed of since we were tiny. Would I be making an impulse decision to choose something that is my style 'now' rather than something I have wanted my whole life? It shouldn't be this hard!