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Help! Bridesmaids shoes!

My bridesmaids are wearing Wisteria colored dresses, but I can't decide on the shoes. I only have two bridesmaids and they are very different in height, so I am letting them pick their shoes. My problem is color. I was going to go with ivory, but that will my the taller one's feet look huge... she wears a 10 1/2.

Would lapis colored shoes look okay with wisteria dresses?
    both colors are in the wedding
Birthday Anniversary

Re: Help! Bridesmaids shoes!

  • Why not go with a nice nude shoe? 
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  • Having a hard time finding a nude flat. One bridesmaid is 6'1" while the other 5'3".
    Birthday Anniversary
  • I dont think an Ivory will make her feet look huge. I myself wear 10 - 10.5. The only color that might make her feet really big is Red. Other than they I think you can choose pretty much any color
  • Are you requiring them to wear the same shoes?  If so, you need to pay for them.  Just give them a colour and let them choose their shoe.

    I think ivory is a weird colour TBH.  I would never wear it again and it probably will stand out in a not so great way.  I like the BM shoes to blend in and not jump out.  Ivory would jump out to me. 

    These are super cute, and more of a metalic bone and not ivory and come in 10.5:

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  • What about silver? I think silver and purple will look great. Then they don't have to get them dyed and there will be a lot of options.
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  • Yes, I also thought ivory would stand out a bit too much, even though our colors are purple and ivory. The shoes will most likely be purchased from davids bridal, so they can pick their own from there.

    I was thinking lapis because it's a color that could easily be worn again.

    Silver would give them more options, but I feel like silver will be a bit too flashy for our asian theme.
    Birthday Anniversary
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