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Which is better to "compromise" on

I recently changed my wedding colors from a light spring green for the BM dresses (I just couldn't find a color that translated well from sample swatch of fabric to the dress itself in the stores) to a Jade-like turquoise color (*if anyone recieved email a week ago with "20 hot new color combos" or whatever, the scheme I'm going with is on there. Super pretty deep blue/green color.)

Anyways, I've narrowed the dress style down to two dresses, two different designers.  Choice #1 is flattering on all body types (i have 4 BM's 4 different body types), but has a crappy choice of colors. That jadey color isnt anywhere closely represented.  Choice #2 is pretty nice...pretty flattering, but it just doesn't have that "kick" that my choice #1 has, but it has the perfect perfect color. your opinion...which is a better compromise? Pick the dress that i LOVE and change up the color just a bit, or the stick with the color and settle on the dress?

All the BM's are totally laid back and have said they'd wear burlap if I wanted haha, , so they're leaving the choice up to me.  Whatddya think?

Re: Which is better to "compromise" on

  • If choice #2 still looks good on all your girls, go with that. 

    If you had said "Choice #2 is the right color but makes some of my girls look like houses" it would be a different matter. 

    You could always work that jade color into your wedding elsewhere and buy dress #1 in one of your accent colors.

  • The "perfect color" is going to do you no good if all your photos come back with the BMs looking dumpy and miserable. So go with the more flattering choice.

    Or, pick the color you like best, then let the BMs choose any style of dress they want from that designer (you can specify the fabric type and the skirt length in order to keep it more uniform). Win-win situation ... you get the color you want, everyone gets a dress she likes and looks nice in, and you don't have to cram four different women into one dress and pray that it looks nice on them.
  • I suppose you are right on that one.   I guess I may have one more question....

    My wedding is May 2011, so I wanted a good springy color combo.  If I go with that Jadey green, do does anyone have a suggestion on a good accent color that could go with it?  I like a light slate gray color, and choice #1  has that color option for the dresses. If they had the slate gray dress (we'll have the guys just wear the jade green tie and stuff maybe), would that look too drab?

    Sorry, I'm so full of questions and I am having a hard time making up my mind on this....
  • True True, mbcdefg... true.. I think i'll spend my afternoon looking around for the dress in different styles.  I'd totally go for choice #2 in a heartbeat just for color reasons, but i've got a BM who, through no fault of her own, has got some hips goin' on, and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.  Dress #1 was a great hip hider.  Decisions decisions.  Wink
  • I was in a similar situation... there was a particular color blue that I wanted, and only certain brands had the color I wanted... but those brands didn't have dresses that were flattering on the girls, or the right style at least. We ended up with an Alfred Angelo style that looked the best on them, even though it wasn't the original color blue I was going for. In the end, the girls looked great and it all turned out fine. Have you looked into AA dresses? They have a ton of color options.

    What is the opinion of your bridesmaids...are they all in love with dress #1, or do they like #2 as well? Try to think about what you want to see most in your photos... the exact color you want in possibly unflattering dresses, or dresses that fit them well that make them look and feel happy, and look good in your photos too. Does dress #1 come in a complimentary color that would go with your new jade scheme?
    Married June 26, 2010! | Wedding/For Sale Bio
  • comprimise color for the girls looking good, because while they may be willing to wear burlap, won't everyone feel better and look better in photos if the dress is flattering?
  • Have them BMs try them both and let them vote.

    What are the dresses?  That sounds like the color I'm going for, atm, at least.
  • Thats funny, because the dress with the wonderful color options is an alred angelo... let me try and put a link in here and see if it works...
    ** Choice #1... MINUS the bow in the front. We had it in the back.  The colors online look more appealing to the colors in real life. If i had to pick tho, i'd go with "Sea Breeze" or "Slate"... the slate looks way more gray on the swatch, and the sea breeze looks a lot bluer

    *choice #2, and the color choice of the "jade" looks pretty close to what the swatch looks like in real life... 

    Let me know!
  • choice 1.

    Better everyone feel comfortable and pretty.
  • #1 looks like a more flattering dress, and a dress I would think your bridesmaids could potentially wear again in the future for another formal event. Do you have a complimentary color in your wedding going with the jade? Maybe they could do that color tone instead. But I would see how your bridesmaids feel about it.
    Married June 26, 2010! | Wedding/For Sale Bio
  • Choice number one is what I would pick.... The slate is a really pretty color. Even if it does look more gray on the swatch, it would still work, You could pair it with a pretty muted tone of yellow for spring. Not sure what it is called but think of something between a bright sunny yellow and a jewel tone yellow.
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