Attire & Accessories Forum


okay went to my fiancee's best mans wedding yesterday and his bride was wearing the same dress that i bought for our wedding next question is to trade in the dress and get a new one or keep it  and wear it anyways ...i dont want my fiancee to think i copied,,,

Re: helpp....

  • Unless your Fiance saw the dress & commented that it's the most hideous dress on earth, I wouldn't change the dress.  Well, it also depends how much it bothers you personally that she had the same gown.  If the only thing that bothers you is the worry that he will think you copied, then that's not worth changing.  More than likely, FI didn't even really notice her dress, and certainly won't remember it.  In fact, the only people that will likely know/remember are you & her. 
  • Trust me, the only person that will notice is the other bride and maybe her husband.  Keep your gown.
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  • Ditto PP.....chances are your FI won't remember what the dress looked like, plus it WILL look different on you, especially with your veil and your jewelry, etc. Unless you are seriously thinking that you don't like it anymore, I wouldn't change your dress just because someone you know wore it as well.

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  • If you love the dress, keep didn't copy because you purchased your dress before you saw it on the other bride.  And it will definitely look different on you with your hairstyle, shoes, accessories, etc. ... if it's a fairly simple dress you can add a touch of embellishment with a brooch or sash to make it your own!
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  • I understand how you feel. A friend of mine is getting married New Years day and another is getting married in April . . I'm not till July and if either of them had the same dress I might feel odd about it. All brides want to believe we have a one of a kind dress even though we know that is an true because most of us buy them from designers that mass produce the same designer. I do agree with the PP's . . no one besides the other bride will probably notice. Would the shop you purchased it from let you use your deposit towards a different dress? That way you don't loss money and they don't loss the sale. 
  • Agreed, FI probably won't remeber! Just depends on if you mind having the same dress as the other bride! If it were me, I'd keep the dress if it was something that I originally fell in love with.
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