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Since I got so much help last time, new question

Don't freak out, but I hate jewelry. I go into panic attacks when forced to wear it on stage. My fiance and I don't plan on going the engagement ring route, but are clue less as to what to do about wedding rings. What could we do in our ceremony to replace the ring exchange, ring bearer, and tokens of love.As a former event planner I know that people will often add a candle or sand ceremony, but I've never seen an outright replacement before. I am concerned also about afterwards showing that we are taken. He can't wear a ring at work, and ideas like a tattoo just won't work. Any other suggestions?

Re: Since I got so much help last time, new question

  • DecoWedDecoWed member
    edited June 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Since I got so much help last time, new question</a>:
    [QUOTE]Don't freak out, but I hate jewelry. I go into panic attacks when forced to wear it on stage. My fiance and I don't plan on going the engagement ring route, but are clue less as to what to do about wedding rings. What could we do in our ceremony to replace the ring exchange, ring bearer, and tokens of love.As a former event planner I know that people will often add a candle or sand ceremony, but I've never seen an outright replacement before. I a<strong>m concerned also about afterwards showing that we are taken. </strong>He can't wear a ring at work, and ideas like a tattoo just won't work. Any other suggestions?
    Posted by Angel665b[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I was going to suggest you exchange rings during the ceremony just for the sake of tradition/symbolism but not wear them afterwards..... but if you want people to know you two are married you're going to have to wear rings, hun.  Lots of people cannot wear a ring at work, but do so when they're not at work.  </div><div>Sorry, but I cannot think of anything realistic that would declare your marital status to the world at large other than wedding bands.</div>
  • Get cheap-o rings (Kmart, Walmart, yard sale, what have you), exchange them during your ceremony, and never wear them again.  This is a lot easier than trying to wrack your brain for something original.
    Scrabble high score: 531
  • Plenty of people do not wear wedding bands. People still figure it out. My dad did not wear one for 20+ years of marriage, and no one ever mistook him for a single guy.

    I would not worry yourself with "replacing" the ring ceremony (many times the shorter the ceremony, the better), but if many of the other ceremonies out there speak to you, then go for it. You could do sand, a unity candle, wine and chocolate, or have your officiant bless a cross or other religious symbol that you'll keep in your home. Ask around on the ceremony ideas board for more adivce.
  • It's not my cup of tea, but I've seen some more offbeat couples getting their rings 'tattood" onto their fingers....
  • I doubt many people will notice if you just skip exchanging the rings. 

    If your FI wants a ring for when he's not working, he could still have one.  Or you could still both get rings and you could just never put yours on but have it as a keepsake.
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