I need to vent. I just recently became enagaged (March to be exact) and within the last 3 months two stones are fallen out of my ring. I took it to the store to have the stones replaced. I went to pick it up Saturday, very excited to get my ring back! The salesman handed it to you and I inspected it...
The stones were replaced, but one stone didn't look big enough to fit in its place, not level with the one right next to it. Whoever did the work also scratched the ring so much that the yellow gold was showing. I remained calm and let the man know. He tried to clean the ring, as if that would make it better. When he handed it to me again, I explained that this was unacceptable and not how my ring looked when I got it. I wanted to inspect it again to see if there was anything that I missed before leaving. While looking at it, ANOTHER stone feel out while he was cleaning it and he didn't even notice it, I did!! He had the nerve to ask me how many times it's been brought in and I tried to stay calm and explain that I just got it in March and I shouldn't even be in the store, let alone having this conversation with him. He then let me know that he would be personally calling whoever to tell them what needs to be done with the ring (I'm thinking to myself, isn't that what the procedure is? Isn't that what you did the first time?)
Apparently not... The man says he will take care of it and that if it isn't fixed, we might be able to "explore other options". I was dumbfounded. My poor fiance spent A LOT of money on the ring and I haven't been able to wear it in over 2 weeks

Any experience with Kay's? Any comments? Feedback? Thanks