Attire & Accessories Forum

Thinking about buying a second dress... (a little bit long)

I bought my dress last November and I really like it. I bought it online and I didn't end up trying on any other dresses, but it had everything I thought I was looking for, and I got a really good deal on it, so I was happy., seven weeks before my wedding. I've fallen in love with another dress. I walk past this bridal store frequently, and every time I do I stop and admire this one dress in the window. Finally, against my better judgment, I went and tried it on today. It's totally different than the one I bought but reallly really beautiful. I went home and called FI and he said that even though it's not in our wedding budget, if I love it that much it's okay with him if I take money out of savings to buy it (on the condition that I let him buy an expensive roof rack after we get married, lol). They offered me a nice discount to buy the sample dress, which would need only minor alterations, so getting the dress in time wouldn't be an issue.

This dress has also made me second-guess my original choice--I feel like I let my mom influence my decision too much. I had originally wanted a lace dress (which the new one is), but she convinced me that I wanted a ball gown (which I bought).

Sooo, now I'm torn. Has anyone else fallen in love with another dress after buying one they were happy with? Did you buy the new dress? Did you not buy it, and wish you had?

Please help me decide what to do!

Re: Thinking about buying a second dress... (a little bit long)

  • I haven't had this issue. But if you can afford buying this other dress I would go for it. It sounds like it is was YOU want and you're not being influenced by anyone else.

    You can try and sell your old dress, you probably won't get close to what you spent, but it's something.

    I say go for it, be happy : )
  • I bought a second dress.

    I was like you - I bought my dress way in advance and every time I tried it on I fell more and more OUT of love with it. So I am currently trying to sell it and it is brand new still with the tags! UG! But I LOVE my second dress and I know I am going to be happy I bought it when my day comes.  (and eventually I'm sure I'll be able to sell the first one.)

    MARRIED 10.10.10 !!

    October 2010 Siggy Challenge - walking down the aisle!


  • I actually just logged in to see if anyone else was going through this.

    I bought my 1st dress after falling in love with a designer dress that I just couldn't afford (damn sales lady grabbed it for me without minding my budget) well the months went on and I kept getting pressure to buy a dress. The clock was ticking I was being told. Well I found another dress I liked, but just as I was starting to warm up to it I saw pictures online and this thing photographered horrible!!! So when I was on the 3rd dress - it looked good and good it pictures and i just bought. It was always the "second dress" though in my mind

    Well today I walk in to finish up bridesmaid dresses and there it is right in front of me. The PREFECT dress.... FI says go for - my best friend actually offered to pay half as my wedding gift because she said "This is making you happier then any blender I buy you" So the money side of it is somewhat neutralized but now I'm stuck with a pretty dress, and slip but I'm not sure how to get rid of it!

    good luck but I have to say if you love it and you feel the way i did in this dress this morning - GO FOR IT!!!!
  • jessfontjessfont member
    First Comment
    edited August 2010
    I bought a second dress...lace, unlike the first one.  It made me feel so much more beautiful, and I was able to wear a lace veil, which I've always wanted to do. No regrets about that decision.

    Just sell the first one as soon as possible to recoup some funds.

    Themis278- how sweet of your friend to offer to pay for half!
    (6 years married but back on theknot because I'll soon be MOH and weddings are on the brain)
  • Thanks guys! I think I'm going to go for it!
  • BUY THE SECOND DRESS!!!! I had bought a dress that I liked, but never loved. Before the dress even came in I knew it was a mistake. I had tried to sell the dress online, and started searching for my "it" dress. The original dress didn't sell, and I lost my spendy deposit, but I ended up finding the dress that I LOVE and I haven't regretted getting a second dress for a second! You will be SOOOO happy that you got a new dress that you love!
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