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Wedding Nightmare!

Okay, so I had a horrible dream last night and was so upset (in my dream) that I woke my FI up. I had a dream that it was my wedding day, and everything was wrong.

All the vendors were late, the location was wrong, we couldn't find the photographer, and all the guest were early to the wrong location, and none of my wedding party was right. There were people that I didn't invite at the wedding, and I was worried about how I was going to feed them and pay for everything. Then all the clothes were wrong, the boys were in black and white tuxes, but they were like spotted, stripied, and all different from each other, and the same with the BM dresses. I was in my dream, trying not to be a bridezilla and just kept saying to myself it will be okay, it doesn't matter, what matters is I'm marrying my FI. Well then we're looking for my wedding dress and I was trying to get dress in front of everyone, and then it didn't fit, and then my mom put it in bleach water, and I just lost it in my dream. I started crying and yelling, and then my FI shook me and asked me what was wrong-- and I realized it was a dream.

Has anyone else had a weird scary dream like this? What are you interpretations of this dream?
Sarah Kropf Wedding Countdown Ticker 98image 12image 4image

Re: Wedding Nightmare!

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    I've had some bad ones. The worst was when I dreamed that my MIL thought I was too stressed out, so she canceled everything behind my back. Everyone still showed up, but my dress wasn't altered, there was no food, no cake, no flowers, no officiant...

    It was bizarre because I KNEW I was dreaming, and was still furious about it.
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    I had one a few months ago about being late to wedding, doing my own makeup in a hurry while my aunts were getting makeup done next to me !

    I didn't try to interpret it
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    I have had so many! I had one where I forgot it was my wedding day and didnt even have a dress! I had to throw together an outfit, it was horrible!
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker White Knot
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    I've definitely had a couple nightmares. I had one where I completely forgot to book all my vendors including my photographer, reception hall etc. So we held it at my mom's house and had a friend do the photography and like 5 people showed up but they were so bored they left really early. It was horrible!! But everyone's dreams seem to have a common them: that we are unprepared/forgetting to do things... t's just the thing that we are all subconsciously MAJORLY stressed out about.
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    I've had a few too.  In one of my bridal magazines it analyzed wedding nightmares.  Like if something is missing from the wedding, it means you feel unprepared, etc.  I didn't bother finish reading the article, I just focused on what I need to do to get everything taken care of.  Wedding nightmares are pretty common.


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    Ha! I actually have had one! I still haven't purchased a gown yet, and in my dream I found some magical dress that I loved and fit great and was really inexpensive. I was so excited...and then I woke up and realized the magical dress didn't exist (or if it does, I haven't found it yet).
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I had one where I just woke up and it was my wedding day, and I was so disappointed with myself for not getting all the planning done!!
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    I had a nightmare that they were serving tater tots during the cocktail hour......and the reception was being held in my son's former school gymnasium.  Horrible!
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    I have crazy nightmares that never really mean anything.
    I've stopped trying to look into them to figure out what they mean.

    This morning I woke up in the middle of a "fight" with my Mom (well...pillow.)
    I haven't actually fought with my Mom since puberty...
    Oh, and I made my nose bleed. 
    My sheets are still in the dryer....
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:c244713f-9f2a-4a94-818c-dce43c40892dPost:235d9f5e-34a1-4c91-b519-ab2ef6b3948a">Wedding Nightmare!</a>:
    [QUOTE]All the vendors were late, the location was wrong, we couldn't find the photographer, and all the guest were early to the wrong location, and none of my wedding party was right. There were people that I didn't invite at the wedding, and I was worried about how I was going to feed them and pay for everything. Then all the clothes were wrong, the boys were in black and white tuxes, but they were like spotted, stripied, and all different from each other, and the same with the BM dresses. I was in my dream, trying not to be a bridezilla and just kept saying to myself it will be okay, it doesn't matter, what matters is I'm marrying my FI. Well then we're looking for my wedding dress and I was trying to get dress in front of everyone, and then it didn't fit, and then my mom put it in bleach water, and I just lost it in my dream. Posted by srkropf[/QUOTE]

    haha I've had almost the exact same dream, except when it was time to put the dress on I couldn't remember what it looked like, so I was all excited to see it. When I finally put it on it was rainbow striped and didn't cover my boobs. at all. and I didn't have a bra. I was sobbing and sobbing and refusing to leave the room we were getting dressed in, my poor MOH was trying to convince me I looked pretty but I knew she was lying-- which of course made me cry more.

    I've had a bunch of others too, all about different things. You spend so much time thinking about the wedding during your awake hours it's only natural that your brain goes back to the wedding when you're asleep.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I just got my invitations in the mail yesterday (they look awesome) but last night I dreamt that when I opened them up they were all hand written and all said completely different things!! lol
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    I just had my first nightmare last night.  I dreamt that my FI was a different guy who wore the WRONG tux (and the same for his GM).  I had forgotten to book the reception/ceremony location so we had to go to some ratchet-looking place.  And on the way to find this place, I was harrassed by a policewoman, who was also a security guard at my school, and for some reason, she didn't like was just a BAD DAY!!!
    Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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