Attire & Accessories Forum

Advice For Brides Considering Replacing Their Dress

As a bride who previously posted on this board with the issue of wanting to possibly buy a new dress and sell the old one, I have some great alternatives that I wanted to share. The lesson that I learned was that the dress is an important element but not the only one... There are so many other elements/accessories that can change the entire look. Consider an awesome pair of shoes, a unique bold necklace, a colorful hair flower or headband. Also, making subtle alterations can change the dress to your liking, such as adding buttons on back or altering the neckline. Another fun addition could be a custom made or store bought petticoat that adds a splash of color at the bottom and adds shape to the dress. A combination of these additions can really transform your look. I did several of these things and I'm now so thankful I didn't replace my dress!

Re: Advice For Brides Considering Replacing Their Dress

  • Those are some great ideas. I was having a few doubts about my dress after getting it, thinking it might be too plain. But I've decided to go with some extra blingy shoes and to really do up the jewelry to add to my look. To be honest that's just me I love to make a statement with accessories. So why not on my wedding day.
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  • You forgot adding a sash! :)
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