Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I (23 years old, together for 4 years, this April) have been talking about marriage for quite some time and in January, he started talking about engagement rings. Anyway, we have been looking and discussing and the only one we both really like is a Vera Wang one from Zales (link below): http://www.zales.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12111049 So, my question is: does anyone have this ring or a similar one? Or, any Vera Wang one? I am wondering the quality of this ring and others like it. I have heard rumors of the little diamonds on the side (on similar rings) falling out, leaving the owner to spend lots of time going to the jewlery store to get it fixed. Any thoughts?
Its beautiful, glad you found one you liked.
I'm sure most jewelers will have a similar ring to this, I wouldn't go to " chain stores " like Zales, Kay, etc...
Asfor the diamonds falling out, get insurance on your ring. If it falls out, insurance will replace. Will it be a pain? Sure, but it will cover if the small or big one or you lose the ring all together...
The best way to avoid having stones fall out of a ring is to order it in the exact size you need. It's when they size it that it affects the prongs holding the stones.
My ring has pave diamonds on the band, our jeweler requires it be taken in once every 6 months to make sure none of the prongs are loose, as long as we do that, it's a lifetime replacement should any of the stones fall out.
My ring is very similar. Its a halo ring with pave diamonds down all sides. My H bought it from an independent store. I've had it for a few years and none of the stones are loose. I've taken it in maybe once a year.
Most of the chain jewelry stores will have an option to get their extended warranty, as long as you bring it in to get inspected. If you miss one inspection the warranty is voided by the company though. So that is something to keep in mind. Or if you go to a smaller, independent store, you can get insurance on your ring for not a whole lot a year (mine is about $30/year). I've been in other independent stores and they've inspected it for me for free. So just because you bought it at one place doesn't mean that you have to get it inspected/fixed there.
I think most jewelery stores (Zales, Kay, Jared, Shane Co, etc) offer a lifetime warranty and service plans on their diamond rings and require 6 month inspections (mine does, we bought both my e-ring and wedding ring from Jared) to ensure that all mounts are ok, etc.
My BFF got her original e-ring from Zales, and I'm not sure if it was Vera Wang specifically, but it had a double pave band and she had at least 6 different pave stones fall out of it in the first 6 months she had it, that they traded it back in and got her a solitaire instead because she was tired of bringing it in so much (no cost, she just never got to wear it). I don't think that's very common though. Her wedding bands came from Zales and they are pave eternity bands and hasn't had a single stone fall out yet, and she's had them for almost a year.
I think you can find a similar style at most jewlery stores, whether it be a chain or local jeweler.
My ring is from Littman Jewelers, which is a chain but they have been amazing. I get my ring checked every six months and I have the lifetime warranty.
Thank you everyone for the responses! We actually went into Zales today so I could try it on and get my size and I still love it! The saleswoman said the same, that the diamonds typically fall out when re-sized so he took note of my size to have it ordered. I have looked at other retailers (local and chain) but this style ring is almost always much more expesive than $2000. Also, I have considered (and tried on) other styles but I just can't get away from this type!
I have this exact ring! My fianc and I got engaged 9/17/12. We had been looking at similar rings, similar quality, if not worse. Not only were they much more expensive, they weren't "exactly" what I was looking for. My fianc and I knew immediately when the ring was put on my finger that it was the one.
We got it resized, and since we have a lifetime warranty, we aren't worried if a stone falls out! I love my ring, and so does he! It sparkles so much even in low lighting. It's hard to take my eyes off of it!
I have this ring too! I LOVE IT. We were considering a halo set from the VW Collection (1.45 E-ring, .45 Band) that was twice the price, but nothing compared to how classic this ring looks when it's on. My FH even picked out a VW band that matches almost perfetly! I had been looking at rings for a good two years before I got mine and I still have not found anything that compares : ) Routine inspections and a protection plan and you should be good to go!
Any chance that someone knows how long a VW ring takes to get sized? Specifically in Canada...
i just got this ring from VW on Sat, and i wont lie i was a bit worried only because ive read so many diffrent mixed reviews on her collection, but i tried on at least 10 diffrent rings in Zales as well as in other locally owned stores and nothing compared to the VW its so beautiful and classic looking i dont give a toss if the stones falll out because taking it back to get them fixed for free doesnt seems like a massive deal to me. Also i just had to keep in mind that most people only go and leave reviews when they have a bad experience so im assuming thats why i read more bad comments than good, but i LOVE my ring and i cant wait to get it back from being sized!
Just like some of yall, I too, was worried about the micro pave diamonds falling out, but my fiance and I ordered a VW anyways. My first e-ring was from Zales and as long as I got it inspected every 6 months, it kept the diamond warranty in place. We did a trade in from my first e-ring to a Vera. It's absolutely beautiful! The wedding band is taking 6 weeks to special order and the e-ring itself is going to take about 12-14 because we chose a higher quality and larger center stone, so there will be a lot of work done on the setting. Anyways.. don't worry at all about Zales not standing behind their word. We love working with them!
Re: Vera Wang E Ring
My ring is very similar. Its a halo ring with pave diamonds down all sides. My H bought it from an independent store. I've had it for a few years and none of the stones are loose. I've taken it in maybe once a year.
Most of the chain jewelry stores will have an option to get their extended warranty, as long as you bring it in to get inspected. If you miss one inspection the warranty is voided by the company though. So that is something to keep in mind.
Or if you go to a smaller, independent store, you can get insurance on your ring for not a whole lot a year (mine is about $30/year). I've been in other independent stores and they've inspected it for me for free. So just because you bought it at one place doesn't mean that you have to get it inspected/fixed there.
My BFF got her original e-ring from Zales, and I'm not sure if it was Vera Wang specifically, but it had a double pave band and she had at least 6 different pave stones fall out of it in the first 6 months she had it, that they traded it back in and got her a solitaire instead because she was tired of bringing it in so much (no cost, she just never got to wear it). I don't think that's very common though. Her wedding bands came from Zales and they are pave eternity bands and hasn't had a single stone fall out yet, and she's had them for almost a year.
Also i just had to keep in mind that most people only go and leave reviews when they have a bad experience so im assuming thats why i read more bad comments than good, but i LOVE my ring and i cant wait to get it back from being sized!