Snarky Brides

I love

the day after food shopping. So many choices, so much fresh fruit.Anyway, what's up for the weekend? Any exciting plans.I think we are going out tonight for a few drinks and then to a BBQ on Sunday. Saturday will likely be spent napping and not getting out of my pjs.

Re: I love

  • I fear what my cupboards and fridge will be like when i get home and do not want to shop. This is our last weekend in Amsterdam. We are going to an outdoor movie at the park tonight, a concert tomorrow night and a funky bohemian festival on Sunday and it is also Pride Fest this weekend, so lots of partying on the canals!
  • I can't believe how quickly your Amsterdam summer has gone.
  • No kidding, fallin. It has flown.
  • I can't believe you are coming home already and that sounds like an awesome weekend. I want to party on the canals. :-(
  • Tonight we're going to dinner with some friends, Maggie's spending the night with her grammy and papaw.  That means we can sleep in until 8 AM on Saturday! Whee! Saturday we may go to the pool. Sunday I hope my parents will come down so we can tell them about the pregnancy.
    image Ready to rumble.
  • Tonight I am going to see an old friend that I reconnected with, via FB. Going to my FSIL's bridal shower. Dreading it. Going out with the new guy again. Finishing up my bedroom. Just dropped some cash last night on bedding, and lamps. I can't wait to see it all come together.
  • Oh, my H is out of town,so I'm having a lovely Me Weekend.  Sushi tonight and hopefully Waitress (also some apt. cleaning but let's not dwell on the negative).  Tomorrow is getting a second opinion on the new couch we are thinking of buying and eating PF Changs with my Similar Bad Chain Food Loving Boyfriend.  After that, I'm just seeing what feels fun to do.
  • Bridal showers are the worst. Kristen-do you have a cutesy way of telling your parents or will you just be blurting it out? Fallin-don't forget to watch Love Actually.  
  • My H is sick with a cold, so it will be a low-key weekend.  If he's got enough energy, we'll likely check out baby furniture tomorrow.  Then, we may hit some open houses on Sunday.  Thrilling weekend!
    image Mabel the Loser.
  • cmc714cmc714 member
    I'm going out to dinner with a few GFs tonight, and maybe stopping by a certain 90's night if a certain person will be there! Nothing else planned this weekend, I really wanted to find something fun to do this weekend, but FIL asked us to take care of the dog while they are away Sat. I guess we'll try to make the most of it and find something to do in town. Boo.
    Claire Elizabeth 12/31/2011
    Married Bio
  • I watched Love Actually last night...actually.
  • Not one thing planned. There is a desperate need for cleaning in my house. I may start tearing down one side of the shed for expansion, and hopefully start taking the baseboards in my house down. Our neighbor is trying to make us go out with him and his gf, but they are a few years younger than us and like to go to places called 'Pearl' and such. I think we'll be passing.
    For less then ten cents a day, you can feed a hungry child.
  • We haven't decided how to tell them yet.
    image Ready to rumble.
  • MrTummy is at his bachelor party this weekend, so I'm by myself.  Tonight is pilates and laundry.  Tomorrow night I'm seeing Funny People with some college friends.  Sunday afternoon I'm going to see another friend's new apartment and drinking margaritas on her balcony.  For all the free time in between, I'm torn between loafing around in my apartment and going to a few museums.
  • Did you move yet, HT? I have plans.  I'm a loser.
  • It'd make more sense if I said it correctly... I have NO plans.  I AM a loser.
  • Oh, my H is out of town,so I'm having a lovely Me Weekend.So, so jealousE.  This is another one of my I love my husband buts.  He just doesn't get my need for alone time.  And we are P.F Chang's hating husband twinsies.  This leads to me asking to go there almost every year on my birthday, because I can never get him to go any other time.  He's always like, "Don't you want to go somewhere nicer?"No big plans this weekend.  We've had a few very busy weekends in a row so I'd like to keep it low key.  I'll probably go shopping for lamps and stuff for our bedroom, and finish touch up painting in there.  I'd like to have curtains and blinds put back up and everything done by Sunday.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • Nope, I'm moving the last weekend in August.
  • tonight were possibly going boating and then to our friends show.tomorrow my 19 and 22 yr old neighbors are throwing their wedding in our backyard. :|sunday were possibly looking at houses if im feeling up to it.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Oh, my H is out of town,so I'm having a lovely Me Weekend.So, so jealousE. This is another one of my I love my husband buts. He just doesn't get my need for alone time. And we are P.F Chang's hating husband twinsies. This leads to me asking to go there almost every year on my birthday, because I can never get him to go any other time. He's always like, "Don't you want to go somewhere nicer?"My H will go which is nice and now we've found a Mexican place he loves that I don't so I use that for leverage.You need a PF Chang's BF.
  • Tonight we leave for northern CA. We're having a family reunion week thingy up north of SF. Tomorrow we check in to the house, Sunday we're going to a Giants game. I'm excited to see the stadium.


  • I'm going to be a loser with no plans like Expee.  This is probably for the best because the last couple days I've been totally drained of energy -- I fell asleep after work on Wednesday and woke up around 8; I fell asleep after work yesterday and woke up just to head straight to bed.  I have no clue why I'm so damn tired.  I'm sure I will continue my quest to procrastinate packing up any parts of my house.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
  • I have no plans.  I'm very excited about this.  Jimmy and I will be watching tv, playing tennis, cooking out and playing Mario Party all weekend. 
    3 out of 4 dead babies agree! pepsi is better than coke! - EdithBouvierBeale
    Lordy. Grow some balls and stop lurking. It's like stealing from the internet. Jesuschrist. -- AudreyHorne
    I hate love and marriage. I got married so I could destroy these things from the inside. - NoisyPenguin
    It's a good thing my circle of trust is as giant as my vagina. That only leaves a couple people out. - Cali
  • Tonight going out to dinner and then shopping for H's cousin's daughters bday present.  Tomorrow the big bouncy house bday party, along with hanging out with a few of H's friends. Sunday BBQ with my family to celebrate my mom's cousin's bday.  And somewhere in there I need to find time to work on wedding pictures from the first weekend in June, work on the program for my cousin's wedding, and finish the afghan for her wedding gift as well.
  • I swear to God I thought groomz said they would be cocking out.
  • I do need a PF Chang's BF, but most of my friends don't like it either.  I hang out with a bunch of crazy people.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
  • dinner at my neighbors house tonight, eggplant parm - yummy! Tomorrow night I think were going to the farm  - our friends house who live about 10 minutes away.
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  • Dropping off and picking up my nephew and a buddy from a concert tonight, then heading to the cottage tomorrow.  I bought rubber boots so it should be a gorgeous weekend
  • Not much planned. Some gardening, cleaning, movie watching and PS2 playing. I am hoping the weather stays nice so I can at least be outside a bit.I can't believe how fast this summer is going by.
  • I am very jealous of Kristin's sleep until 8 (and all of you who can sleep past 8 for that matter).No real plans for the weekend. If my husband gives me a big enough guilt trip about it, we may go to our friends' house tonight (as mentioned in my crybaby thread yesterday).  Yipeeee.It's been cold as f*ck here this week (I don't even know if we got into the 60s yesterday).  Apparently, we swapped weather with the Pacific Northwest.  "They" claim it will be in the mid to upper 80s this weekend, so perhaps a trip to the pool is in order.
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