Snarky Brides

Lurkity lurkers?


Re: Lurkity lurkers?

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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6e1ce3de-f3d4-4397-8ef8-ee297ac5f5f6Post:adfe9941-8597-4c82-afd0-5aa9f316077b">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lurkity lurkers? : No I did not create any boring posts today, people just thought I was stupid today, which is probably true
    Posted by crose29[/QUOTE]

    I have no opinion on whether or not you are stupid, but I do think it's painfully lame to try to argue with who ever said you were one of her least favorites.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6e1ce3de-f3d4-4397-8ef8-ee297ac5f5f6Post:e80f9de3-b77b-4f49-b8d7-d94ae9d310b5">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lurkity lurkers? : Yeah, sometimes I just dont know why I even comment when I have nothing good to say. I just wanted to know what was going on!!!
    Posted by crose29[/QUOTE]

    You can answer my question. That would be good. ;)
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6e1ce3de-f3d4-4397-8ef8-ee297ac5f5f6Post:b560ab3d-d350-4356-8456-2aa4066fffc2">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]JAS GOT MARRIED ON MY BIRTHDAY TOO?!  Sweet :)  I'll share with Jas. Reils, I know you.  I think you said you didn't like me at one point.  Do you still not like me? 
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, I just had to double check with H that June 26 was indeed our anniversary. Oops.
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    Tide, I can't even believe how cute Taryn is. It's not even fair that someone can be that cute.
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    brilibby4brilibby4 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    I'm not really a lurker anymore but I'm definitely inconsistent with my posting and no one really knows me so I will play!

    I am graduating with a degree in Elementary Education with a Language Arts concentration this spring and hope to teach Kindergarten next year (if I can get a job).  I love my cat Daisy Bernadette, reading, eating, and shopping.  In addition to being a full time student, I am also a full time nanny for two children who are one and four.

    Fiance is also graduating this spring but with a degree in Secondary Education degree with a social studies concentration.  He works two part time jobs with opposite hours than me so we basically never see each other.  He is a sweetheart and a fabulous cook.

    We met when I dated his roommate freshman year of college.  Oops.  Our wedding is not until July 7, 2012 because between graduating, applying for jobs and moving (who knows where!) this summer is too crazy.  Being teachers, summer is the most convenient time for us to have a wedding.  We are also paying for it ourselves and are busy saving money until then!

    I know this sounds like a cop out but MC drives me insane.  She is what gives dedicated teachers like I hope to be a bad name and it pisses me off.  Also Dotdash has rubbed me the wrong way so far and I hate any of you with cute babies and dogs because I want both but have to be all responsible and wait. Boo!

    I like to talk about most things that I can contribute to!  Wedding planning threads are difficult for me to participate in since mine is so far away but I do like reading and learning what to do (and what not to do) when my time comes.

    Fave thread topics are polls because I can easily participate!  Don't talk to me about WOW...I don't get it.  I also didn't really like Harry Potter and haven't yet read Twilight sooo I avoid those threads. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]JAS GOT MARRIED ON MY BIRTHDAY TOO?!  Sweet :)  I'll share with Jas. Reils, I know you.  I think you said you didn't like me at one point.  Do you still not like me? 
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yes, I did say that. I used to feel that you would only comment to side-eye things. Now I know better. I like what you have to say and often agree with you.  </div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Barrel, we had the same wedding date. :) Crose- Is that an aussie? I asked you before, and I don't think you answered me. Just fyi, this is a very important question. Arow- I will be calling you "arrow" or possibly "Atreyu." I hope you're okay with that.
    Posted by jasmineh7777[/QUOTE]

    As long as I don't have to lose my trusty steed in the Swamp of Sadness, you can call me whatever you like.
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    In Response to <a href="">Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tell me about you.  Tell me about FI.  Tell me how you met.  Tell me about the wedding.  Tell me who your favorite and least favorite posters are.  Tell me what you want to talk about more.  Tell me what you don't ever want to talk about again.  Go.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Hiya j&k (and all a yall too!)
    I'm me (am i supposed to use my name? I have no idea how this works) the FI is Dave, we met on eharmony almost 2 years ago. We live in MD and I play with eyeballs for a living.
    I like talking about current events/newsy stuff cus I like hearing opposing viewpoints and how people feel about stuff across the country. We have three pretty kitties (Joplin, Matthews and Buddy) so I love the kitty talk. I waned Dave I was well on my way to crazy cat lady status when we met, he's adapted.
    Can't think of anyone I don't really like yet but I'm sure I will. I like betrothed especially because recently her avatar was a Redskins chief and I'm a HUGE skins fan (even though they're pissing me off right now)
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lurkity lurkers? : Yes, I did say that. I used to feel that you would only comment to side-eye things. Now I know better. I like what you have to say and often agree with you.  
    Posted by reils[/QUOTE]

    That's right, I remember you saying all of that before now.  Sorry.  Sometimes my remembory needs refreshing. 

    To be fair though, sometimes I do only comment to side eye things. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    I was a cute Relis haircut.
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    Thanks, Cew and LTZ.  We think she's pretty swell ourselves.
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Amusing, you play with EYEBALLS for living?  Does that mean you're an eye doctor?  Or...something else?

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    brilibby4brilibby4 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2010
    Eek I forgot my favorite poster! I'm horrible with remembering names but I like Roxy because we have similar taste in fashion and I like her posts about clothes.  I also like Any because she is young like me and gave me confidence to start posting and not be scared about being attacked for being a youngen.  
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was a cute Relis haircut.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

    You used to be a haircut? Interesting, please tell me more.  : )
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Amusing, you play with EYEBALLS for living?  Does that mean you're an eye doctor?  Or...something else?
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    I'm an ophthalmic technician. Whenever I say that out loud I usually have to snort and add a lisp. I'm the person that asks you if it's better with one or two. I also assist with surgeries and a few times a week get to take sutures out of peoples eyes.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:6e1ce3de-f3d4-4397-8ef8-ee297ac5f5f6Post:d0e57ec1-cf7b-4abc-a2f8-be0c95945582">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lurkity lurkers? : As long as I don't have to lose my trusty steed in the Swamp of Sadness, you can call me whatever you like.
    Posted by arwo[/QUOTE]

    Can we keep this one?

    And Crose is ignoring me. humph.
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    I now remember who crose reminds me of, but I can't think of her name. Ironic, or something like that?
    Someone please tell me they remember who I'm talking about. She used to define words and such. Or maybe we defined words for her so she would understand how she was responding.

    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
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    Missy- I miss the puppy times! Adorable picture.

    Amusing- How old are you?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Lurkity lurkers? : That's right, I remember you saying all of that before now.  Sorry.  Sometimes my remembory needs refreshing.  To be fair though, sometimes I do only comment to side eye things. 
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    <div>That's okay. I don't have a very good TK memory either. Sometimes things need to be side-eyed. I just felt that you only side-eyed things and didn't really contribute otherwise. Clearly I was wrong. Side-eye away! </div>
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    Tide, Taryn photos are SO worth signing in for!!  Thanks, she`s sooo cute!  Amusingbride (AB from now on), I remember you from being the only other sane one on a thread I was posting on last night.  Thanks for being sane.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I now remember who crose reminds me of, but I can't think of her name. Ironic, or something like that? Someone please tell me they remember who I'm talking about. She used to define words and such. Or maybe we defined words for her so she would understand how she was responding.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    I vaguely remember someone saying "THIS IS THE SNARKY BRIDES BOARD SO WHY CAN'T I BE SNARKY?!"

    Then they provided the definition of snarky.

    Is that the person you're thinking of?
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    Jasmine- 27, u?

    Jackie - Thanks, I try. :)
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    Gross.  Sorry, but thinking about taking sutures out of eyes makes me want to not eat dinner.

    But I'm glad you  do it, so I don't have to.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I was a cute Relis haircut.
    Posted by cew515[/QUOTE]

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    AmusingBride - why the screen name?  As in, why are you just amusing and not hilarious or side-splitting or gut-busting?  Or boring?  Or weird?  Or annoying?  Are all these questions annoying?  Meh.
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    I'll come out and post.  I seem to only post in lurker threads but now that I'm on break from school I actually have time to respond to more posts.  I've already done the favorite/least favorite thing a few times.

    I'm bad at general tell me about yourself posts... what do you want to know?

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    Also are you just amusing in general or only an amusing bride?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Lurkity lurkers?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'll come out and post.  I seem to only post in lurker threads but now that I'm on break from school I actually have time to respond to more posts.  I've already done the favorite/least favorite thing a few times. I'm bad at general tell me about yourself posts... <strong>what do you want to know?</strong>
    Posted by Ash2985[/QUOTE]


    Honestly, that's the question I hate the most at job interviews.  Sooooo...tell me about yourself.   Well...ummm...errrr....I....'m....good at working?

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    I hope it's not too late to play! I've been lurking/scarcely posting for a while...definitely in the creeper range! Just to give you a timeline as to how long that means, I started lurking for the first time about a month before stefibeth's wedding. I've been here off and on ever since and just started back about a month ago. My only excuse is moving between three towns within the last two years.

    I am a middle school math teacher, which has its moments but overall pretty fun. DH is an A/C man by day, fisherman by night. We met through mutual friends the summer after my senior year of high school, although we went to the same schools all of our lives. Our wedding was in March and was very simple yet pretty, and cheap! My favorite posters are from the good ole P&E (I just figured out most have switched to this board), Mandy, CEW, J&K, Tide and her adorable little one, MrsB and her adorable little one too! There are others, but I'm drawing a blank now.

    Definitely could live without the same, tired out conversations like cash bar or no cash bar, BM is pregnant OMG!! Ugh, I hate how those come up over and over again. I could use more cuteness though!

    TTC #1 since 3/2011
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    ASH, I LIKE YOU, and I think you should knock it off with your lurking and post more with us.
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