Snarky Brides


Im bored.

I just spent a half an hour stressed out because I fucked something up at work and told a customer an order would be delivered on Wednesday and then thought it wasnt even near being done. Turns out I was just confusing myself with another order with a similar PO# and im just a freaking idiot. It took me half an hour digging through my work email (which isnt organized on the net like it is at work) to figure out I was just confused. Shoot me.

What are you up to?


  • Absolutely nothing. I was browsing and found this playlist though, so I had to listen to it.
  • are those plates with cutlery all over the floor? They need to do their dishes and stop having so much sex, geeze.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cab35d7a-1816-4e50-b3fa-8cac5b07b9bdPost:e69a7726-1caa-4e08-acc9-581a3a55c162">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]are those plates with cutlery all over the floor? They need to do their dishes and stop having so much sex, geeze.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    Rofl, I didn't even notice. That's awesome.
  • I have major irrational paranoia issues about work (probably because my bad track record) and I get really anxious when I screw something up.

    Im trying to talk to that girl on the may 2011 board but good grief she is hostile. For someone all bent out of shape over her treatment on other board she sure does like to insult people with very little provocation.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cab35d7a-1816-4e50-b3fa-8cac5b07b9bdPost:3d5251a0-ec91-4355-8b97-f0e34ee2d701">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have major irrational paranoia issues about work (probably because my bad track record) and I get really anxious when I screw something up. Im trying to talk to that girl on the may 2011 board but good grief she is hostile. For someone all bent out of shape over her treatment on other board she sure does like to insult people with very little provocation.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    I've found a lot of club board posters are like that. They'll get all outraged when somone says the slightest thing against the grain, but they have no issue with going BSC on anyone else.
  • I'm sorry Nebb, who are you?

    Also, apparently, I'm a bully. Who knew.
  • I clearly DO need one, dont you read? Im bored!!
  • Hey there.
     I just got home from what felt like the longest work day ever. I'm getting ready to watch some episodes of Buffy and hunker down in the house.
  • You must be bored, seeing as how you're even cheating on Don Draper.
  • MOD!!! When did this happen??? Congrats!!
  • Don draper aint got nuthin on jimmy darmody!!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Don draper aint got nuthin on jimmy darmody!!
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    <div>And Jimmy Darmody aint got nothin' on Tommy Gnosis.</div><div>
    </div><div>No, J/K, I've never seen that show, but I love Hedwig like whoa.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: HELP! : And Jimmy Darmody aint got nothin' on <strong>Tommy Gnosis</strong>. No, J/K, I've never seen that show, but I love Hedwig like whoa.
    Posted by reddy123[/QUOTE]
    who is that?
  • I would never ever EVER want to be mod but I did get a little jealous just now. Explain that one.
  • Okay, my jaw just dropped a little. It is Michael Pitt's character in Hedwig and the angry inch.
  • Jas, I demand that you come back and acknowledge your modhood. Then promptly add the banhammer to your sig.
  • Any, would you be pissed if someone got you a tim hortons mug for chrsitmas? I sure would, I think that every year when they start showing commercials for it. It isnt even very big! what a lame gift.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cab35d7a-1816-4e50-b3fa-8cac5b07b9bdPost:d68d0128-1a68-4820-b521-c476ad24b206">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Any, would you be pissed if someone got you a tim hortons mug for chrsitmas? I sure would, I think that every year when they start showing commercials for it. It isnt even very big! what a lame gift.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    Yes. I'd accept the hot chocolate, but that's about it. I barely drink that, let alone coffee or tea. Also, cop out gift is cop out-y.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Okay, my jaw just dropped a little. It is Michael Pitt's character in Hedwig and the angry inch.
    Posted by reddy123[/QUOTE]
    I feel like ive just disappointed you, and we had so much promise withour somewhat similar tastes in music. I would rent them but no where local has anything he is in.
  • Hmmmm but it still shows Meg at the top of the board page, without Jas.  I hope it isn't more Knot glitchy stuff....Jas would be a great Mod!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Maybe we have a new co-mod?
  • SUE!!!  Did you get your tree?
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • The header on top of the board takes a few days to refresh.  The banner comes way more quickly. :)

    Yay Jas! But come back and tell us!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: HELP!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: HELP! : I feel like ive just disappointed you, and we had so much promise withour somewhat similar tastes in music. I would rent them but no where local has anything he is in.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    <div>Really? I shake my fist at your video stores! Is there no Netflix in Canada? Have you ever heard of Hedwig? Have you seen Dreamers? Because I have not and have always wanted to. So many questions. If you can't get a hold of Hedwig and The Angry Inch, I will send it to you, I love it that much.</div>
  • Meg did say she was resigning. When raynes became the new mod on GIS long ago it took ages to actually show up for real.
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