Snarky Brides

Well, you can all be happy now


Re: Well, you can all be happy now

  • This is sad. Amoro, you know there are plenty of people who post on both boards who don't take sides. I've always liked you.
    Our Story MAJORLY UPDATED 8/6/09
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  • Zippity, you're pretty much my hero.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:02df6161-5c02-406e-9037-eef9adf79756">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : Oh, I agree.  Unfortunately, it happens on both sides.   Like I said on E yesterday, the boardwar has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  A few people on either side don't get along and take pot shots at each other (and each other's boards), which has led to the perception -- again, on both sides -- that there's some sort of broader conflict.  In reality, it's just a few posters bickering back and forth whole lot of others getting caught up in the wake. 
    Posted by Celles[/QUOTE]

    I refuse to acknowledge a boardwar. There is a difference between everyone on SB hating everyone on E versus a few people not liking each other. The entire thing is ridiculous. I enjoy posting on both boards, among others.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]For the people who don't even know me and have been around for a hot minute, GTFO.  You have dickall to say about this. Heels, I just had to learn from your dramatic, lame ass.  At least I have a real reason to be pissed.
    Posted by mikeylynnm[/QUOTE]

    You really don't, and you never have.  You've had some weird vendetta against me for 6 months.  And why?  Because I'm on an off-board you weren't invited to.  Do you not see how ridiculous this all is?  And it's not enough for you to be mad at me.  You seem to find it necessary to convince everyone that I've done something horrible to you. 

    You brought all of this on yourself.  I didn't have anything to do with getting you banned.  I haven't spoken to Annie.  Frankly, I'm embarrassed to.  What would I say without sounding like a whiney baby crying to the teacher that Amoro took my lunch money at recess?  "Annnnnieeeee!  This internet stranger is being meannnnnnnnn to me!"  You're in a fantasy world.  You have no basis for any of your theories of what's happened, not now, and not 6 months ago.  Let it go. 

  • Seriously. I don't think these claims have any merit. And there's no reason to make crazy accusations and throw all of us under the bus.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]Seriously. Please stop putting everyone in this SB box. Most of us couldn't give less of a shiit.
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    <div>really, truly.</div>
  • So, what about this is supposed to make "us" happy?  And who TF is the "you all"? You've made the whole board basically think that it was this entire board full of "sheep" and not a one of us can think for ourselves.
    Way to make a broad accusation. Probably 95% of the people who post here don't care one way or the other.
    Angry? Go on, be angry. Don't take it out on everybody else.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • dmiller9274dmiller9274 member
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited September 2010
    Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with a bunch of girls.

    Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock and is now screwing random females with tattoo sleeves.

    Lady Gaga wears a lot of ridiculous outfits.

    Just wanted to throw a few more dead horses out there, if anyone feels like beating another one.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with a bunch of girls. Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock and is now screwing random females with tattoo sleeves. Lady Gaga wears a lot of ridiculous outfits. Just wanted to throw a few more dead horses out there, if anyone feels like beating another one.
    Posted by dmiller9274[/QUOTE]

    Dmill- I highly enjoy you :)

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:67e0796b-da63-46bf-b93b-a3f3b9822b94">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : Not all of us have been here for years but that doesn't mean we don't get what's going on. I had no idea who you were based on your new SN. That being said, not everyone who posts on SB cares enough about you to try to get you banned. You generally stick to E, which means we don't have to deal with all this drama. Can we go back to that?
    Posted by number55[/QUOTE]

    actually you do have no idea whats really going on and shes not talking to sb in general - just to some
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:427e0303-7e5a-4072-bafa-79a0d3e6b320">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh look. Another newbie joined just today to pipe in on this.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    Or maybe it's someone hoping to add fuel to the fire. You know, have everyone accuse each other of starting an AE. Someone who loves the drama, thrives on it.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:53ca2bca-da96-4438-9378-b76741d52a09">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : actually you do have no idea whats really going on and shes not talking to sb in general - just to some
    Posted by boardwar[/QUOTE]

    Seriously. Amoro, can you just NAME these people? The Us v. Them shiit drives me insane. You've already been banned. What's the harm in just calling it like you see it so those people can call b.s. and move on?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : Seriously. Amoro, can you just NAME these people? The Us v. Them shiit drives me insane. You've already been banned. What's the harm in just calling it like you see it so those people can call b.s. and move on?
    Posted by MarriedInAFever[/QUOTE]

    I, for one, would love this.  Don't come in here and wave your arms around screaming at all the hoars on SB.  You know who you're pissed at and it's not just Heels.  Just come out and say it.
  • OH MY GOD. The internet: Why do people take it so seriously? This is like goddamn fucking high school all over again. No wonder people GBCK.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:0665192b-dbf9-4236-8bf7-3827a1336bb4">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]OH MY GOD. The internet: Why do people take it so seriously? This is like goddamn fucking high school all over again. No wonder people GBCK.
    Posted by maratea[/QUOTE]

    Hi five and booty bump!
    And the whole time, my future husband was in the room...... image image
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well this isn't dramatic at all. 
    Posted by marriedfilingjointly[/QUOTE]

    that's bull. deleting yourself is one thing but being deleted because people (and I am not saying who, it could be anyone) tattled on you is another. I'd be livid.
  • oh, and even though I say it could be anyone, I have a feeling it's people from SB. but that's just a gut feeling.
    heh. gut.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    <div>ha ha ha...sigh, you make me laugh. </div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:2ad1870a-3224-4450-abf5-dee9593b4f5d">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    Who is John Galt?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
  • I hear the password is "password."
  • I think this is what LVB means when she calls me useless.

    If Jared Allen is username, that would make my fucking day.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think this is what LVB means when she calls me useless. <strong>If Jared Allen is username, that would make my fucking day.</strong>
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]

    Mine too.  And if it was true, I'd hunt him down, and tap that ass.
  • USERNAME is:

    Knot Annie's mom. (she won't ban me for saying that, will she?)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:e06f6308-b545-429e-8e9d-97e48955f674">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hear the password is "password."
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    The password is actually "bacon"
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker
  • AnysunriseAnysunrise member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited September 2010
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:925aa26e-22f8-4abc-876e-e071bac28aae">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : pokemon? or possibly another RPG game?
    Posted by LedZeppelin[/QUOTE]

    Yay! It was lame, but it cracked me up.
  • Someone get Lala a link, stat! :)

    But seriously, I think all of this is ridiculous. And honestly, I think Amoro getting banned is just stupid. I really don't understand what she did that deserved getting banned. Sure she's harsh, but, uh, it's the internet. If you don't like it, block her?
  • How does one role play pokemon? Do you dress up like little peek-a-choos and flit about?

    OH WAIT. That's LARPING. Totally different.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • I forget where I'm at. SB, right?

    Anyway, if she had broken rules? FINE. Ban her. Even Amoro would understand that. But as far as I can tell there weren't any rules broken. I actually have no idea what's going on, to be honest. I'm good at that.

    But yeah. That's about all I've got.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]WHOA, LALA IS CONFUSED?! I'm shocked. SHOCKED I TELL YOU. /sarcasm.
    Posted by crfische[/QUOTE]
    fishy's drunk again, y'all.
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