Snarky Brides

Well, you can all be happy now


Re: Well, you can all be happy now

  • I can see how some could see Nancy Pelosi as extremist, but not Obama. 
    Politicians who develop the majority of their opinions based soley on religion are scary, in my book at least.  Christine is like that.  Not to mention she has pretty much lived off of campaign $, not paid campaign workers - ultimately she's financially irresponsible.  On top of that, she doesn't believe in abortion (even in the case of rape) and is against masturbation.  That is just cooky to me.

    Nancy may be lefty left, but she isn't telling me what I can and can not do with my body.

  • Politicians who develop the majority of their opinions based soley on religion are scary, in my book at least.
    100% agree. there's a reason there's a separation between church and state. like, I think the word "married" is a religious term. everyone should just be civilly united across the board. and if you want your union recognized by a certain church, get married in that church. and that church will call you "married."
  • and I actually remember that particular episode :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:7338fd7f-fd68-4a21-8e80-83f9bea21144">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think the word "married" is a religious term. everyone should just be civilly united across the board. and if you want your union recognized by a certain church, get married in that church. and that church will call you "married."
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    Ditto, Lala.  This brings up another point, Gay Marriage.  I can sympathize for churchs who are against gay marriages.  I am 100% support gay marriage, or gay "civil union" as recognized on a state level (and hope that someday it will be on a federal level).  But if one's church is against gay marriage, It annoys me that ppl get upset over that.  Ppl should pick a religion based on what that religion represents and not expect a religion to evolve with times and get upset when it doesn't.
  • from that article:

    O'Donnell also took issue with government spending on preventative programs. "A lot of the money that we're spending goes to things that we know will not prevent AIDS, but indeed will continue to spread the disease," she said. "A lot of our money goes to distribute condoms in high schools, and a lot of our money goes to distribute material that is literally pornographic."

    She said that individuals could bring their chance of getting AIDS down to almost zero if they didn't have sex outside of marriage, by having a monogamous marriage and by not using drugs that can spread HIV. O'Donnell also claimed that there was a "powerful political agenda" that was not allowing AIDS to be looked at fairly and objectively.

    ::bangs head against desk::

  • I'm not just talking about gay marriage, though. I have friends who are athiests, and I don't think they should be considered "married" either in the eyes of the law.
  • I feel like "civilly united" should be the great equalizer. we're all civilly united unless we go the extra mile and get recognized as married by a church. all civilly united people should have the same rights, and the only benefit to being called "married" would be that your church recognizes you as such. you shouldn't get more legal recognition.
  • No I know you weren't talking just about Gay Marriage, it just made me think of it and how we use the term married and how it relates to religion and state.
  • word. I was just expanding :)
  • yeah I can see what you mean.  I just don't see that happening since really it would be changing it being called "married" to "civilly united" for all situations outside of church.  Ultimately, it represents the same thing outside of the church.
  • Sarah - yes, that's the book!
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:734df138-da04-4a25-b7bc-f87a787a80c4">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I feel like "civilly united" should be the great equalizer. we're all civilly united unless we go the extra mile and get recognized as married by a church. all civilly united people should have the same rights, and the only benefit to being called "married" would be that your church recognizes you as such. you shouldn't get more legal recognition.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    this is almost exactly what i said about this recently. it allows churches to keep their "marriage" but allows gay partners to have the same union that straight partners do.

    i'm not a religious person at all, so i agree about separation of church and state. i'd like to think that i'd feel the same way if i was religious, though, just because there are so many different religions and beliefs in this country.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]yeah I can see what you mean.  I just don't see that happening since really it would be changing it being called "married" to "civilly united" for all situations outside of church.  Ultimately, <strong>it represents the same thing outside of the church.</strong>
    Posted by jesibel14[/QUOTE]
    see, and I think that's the problem. if marriage is a religious term (as many see it as), why should a gay couple not be recognized as married, while an athiest straight couple is recognized? why does the latter have far more <strong>legal </strong>rights as a couple?

    I know it would be difficult to change. but that's just how I see it.

    /what grinds my gears
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:5c547197-04b5-4407-89ff-eea6d2ad16ba">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]ss, I like when we agree on stuff :)
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    me toooo. btw, i sent you a pm earlier.
  • I guess it just depends on if you like Obama's views or not. if you like them, you won't find them extreme. I found some of Bush's views to be extreme, but that's because, you know, I didn't like him.

    and my sex swing is at the cleaners o_O
  • Dammit, I go to get my dress fit and when I come back you have already bypassed Dexter for politics? What is this world coming to? Dexter is way more interesting than politics. 
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:ef58b5d1-71ee-4ff4-87da-8b50c8e5a45c">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I guess it just depends on if you like Obama's views or not. if you like them, you won't find them extreme. I found some of Bush's views to be extreme, but that's because, you know, I didn't like him. and my sex swing is at the cleaners o_O
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    You don't have a back up sex swing, for shame!

    I didn't like Bush either.  I'm kinda a hard to please pain in the ass.  It takes a lot for me to like a politician.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:99efce29-3424-4658-b33b-01d084a8dadb">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dammit, I go to get my dress fit and when I come back you have already bypassed Dexter for politics? What is this world coming to? Dexter is way more interesting than politics. 
    Posted by SarahPLiz[/QUOTE]

    Ohhh how's the dress?
  • laladypoetlaladypoet member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited September 2010
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : me toooo. btw, i sent you a pm earlier.
    I just sent you one back!
  • Good lord you guys have been chatty! I went out for a few hours and the boards blew up with posts! Everyone already said everything I wanted to say (in this thread and on the E thread), so my work here is done I guess. ;)

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • I have one more thing to add: Dexter is hot.
    that is all.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:ef58b5d1-71ee-4ff4-87da-8b50c8e5a45c">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I guess it just depends on if you like Obama's views or not. if you like them, you won't find them extreme. I found some of Bush's views to be extreme, but that's because, you know, I didn't like him. and my sex swing is at the cleaners o_O
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    regardless of how i feel about his views, i think obama could try to unite the country more and not be so hateful every time he discusses conservatives. it seems like he is always mocking us and it makes it difficult for me to listen to him. when he talks, i feel the same way you probably feel when palin speaks. it's like nails on a chalkboard. i think palin and other conservatives are guilty of the same thing i just accused obama of, but since he is the President i do hold him to higher standards.

    it's all a matter of opinion and personal preference, though. i get that.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:bfe8d926-6d07-4c06-9b12-c790b27ea134">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have one more thing to add: Dexter is hot. that is all.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    you need to watch White Collar. that dude is also hot.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:bfe8d926-6d07-4c06-9b12-c790b27ea134">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have one more thing to add: Dexter is hot. that is all.
    Posted by laladypoet[/QUOTE]

    Mmmm, yeah.
  • KA needs to change this board to "sex swing brides" or something. Gee willickers...
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:cccafe0f-369e-468a-b584-6777fb517c7ePost:e7929299-9fa5-4e9b-b2a6-b9313e755018">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]KA needs to change this board to "sex swing brides" or something. Gee willickers...
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    LOL Or just Sex Brides.  Though the name might scare away newbies.  Especially when some of us KUI (or maybe just me).
  • Dexter is very yummy......
    Oh also the head agent in Criminal Minds with the dark hair.....beyond yummy.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Well, you can all be happy now</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Well, you can all be happy now : Ohhh how's the dress?
    Posted by aprovencher21[/QUOTE]

    <div>It is Beaut- T- mus. And in a couple weeks it will be a couple inches shorter. I love it more and more every time I try it on. It was even still a little big in the waist and top. If she has to take it in again on the next fitting (11/5) I have to pay more, but I don't care.. I hope its another whole inch on each side!</div><div>
    </div><div> Plus, when I got home, there were 3 RSVP envelopes in the mail. Those are our first ones, and the excitement almost makes up for the bomb my boss dropped on me today. I'm still processing that one. </div>
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