Snarky Brides


So FI and I have been talking about what to get his GM as gifts.  One of his GM's is a huge ketchup fan.  He puts it on everything, pasta, chinese food, you name it.

So FI just calls and wants me to find a "really cool and funky thing of ketchup" to put in as a funny part of that GM's gift. 

Any ideas where I can find said ketchup?
045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
BabyFruit Ticker
DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!

Re: Random...

  • Oh yeah!  Maybe they can make a cool label or something.

    These guys are really funny, another GM is getting a pack of Beano.  I guess its a long running joke.
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Specialty food stores?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:fe2b096e-7e0e-4852-9bee-497dca593e69Post:050d7565-cbff-41fb-8600-1b560ef7b7ed">Re: Random...</a>:
    [QUOTE]<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by JenGin74[/QUOTE]

    Score!  thanks!

    Ewwww-banana ketchup???
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • There are all different kinds of ketchup. I saw someone on iron chef make one out of papaya. It was weird.

    I think you should get him one of those industrial sized bottles and have someone knit him a cozy for it (like a tea cozy).

    OR you can find something like this, only for ketchup:

    Yes, its a 5ft tall BBQ sauce dispenser from a local BBQ restaurant.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rudy's!!!! So good!  I never would have thought that BBQ that good could come out of a Gas Station. I think there is a bottle left from the last time FI and I were in Austin. (he went to UT) We keep saying we need to make a trip back down to stock up on all the sauces we love. (Rudy's, Salt Lick, County Line, and some mustard blend from Texadelphia)

    Which did you like better? "Jedi" or "The Empire Strikes Back"? "Empire". Blasphemy. "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.
  • Sarah, that is amazing, lol.
    045_45-1 photo 045_45-1.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DX: PCOS/Recurrent losses/MTHFR mutation (compound hetero)
    5 hysteroscopies/2 surgical
    3 Inject IUIs = 2 m/c's and 1 BFN
    IVF #1= BFP. m/c at 7w6d. Needed 2 D&C's and scar tissue removal. Mild OHSS
    IVF #2 = BFP. Severe OHSS. 4 Drainings. TWINS!
  • Rudy's has the best turkey in the entire world.

    And I'm too wussy for Rudy's Sause, so I have to use the Sissy Sause.
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