So right now our guest list has 110 people on it. It originally had 146 on it (after consulting with our moms). That means we already took off 36 people...
We found what will probably be our venue. With a dance floor, it seats 75-80 people comfortably, which is actually the number of guests I've dreamed of having at my wedding for forever anyway. It also means we have to knock THIRTY more people off our guest list. I don't know how we can possibly do that.
Most of the people we already knocked off came from our friends list and the people who are left are the ones we refuse to cut off. We don't want to knock any more of them off to allow room for people we either a) don't know, or b) haven't seen in years (some of whom neither of us know at all).
How do we approach the guest list thing with our parents? We are paying for the entire wedding and much of our family list is people our moms added when we sent them our original list that we came up with on our own. How do I tell my mum I'd rather not have my great-aunt (who I haven't seen in 5+ years) or my creepy great-uncle and his wife (who I haven't seen in 10+ years) there? Even harder, how do I (or Chris) approach FMIL about all the people she added to her list that Chris doesn't even know?? I don't want to drop more friends- who I have regular contact with and who have been with Chris and I through our entire relationship- just to make room for these people we didn't even think to put on the list in the first place.
Sorry this is so long. I'm stressed out... obviously.