Hey everyone! I've been lurking on this board for about a month now but I haven't posted because I wasn't engaged.... but that all changed Friday! Here's a quick intro about me and FI and my engagement story

If you don't want to read it all I totally understand... I'm just still so excited!!
We're getting married on August 18, 2012, our 5 year dating anniversary. Can't wait to get to know all of you!
My name is Kristan, FI's name is Jeremy. We are both 23, and both students. He just finished his undergrad and is in the process of becoming a non-degree seeking senior to get more hours (24ish) to have 150 total to sit for the CPA exam. I've just finished my 2nd semester of grad school and am on track to finish in December... Yay!
We've been together 3 years and 8 months on Wednesday, and we were pretty much talking about marriage after the 6 month mark. We're currently "long" distance, about 2 hours apart.
I love scrapbooking, reading, going to concerts, and roadtrips.... hopefully we're going to New Braunfels Memorial Day weekend to float the river!!!
I drove up to where BF lives after I got off work around noon on Friday (one of the few perks of not having a real job). We had had a HUGE fight the night before... long story short, I am terrible at being patient. I really have worked on it over the last couple of months, but my impatience really flares up in the face of big events (graduations, friends' bridal showers/bachelorette parties, etc). So BF's response is: "Stop worrying about it. It's not going to happen this weekend because there is too much going on and you are expecting it so just STOP thinking about it." Me: FINE! (yes, super bratty... not my proudest moment)
BF tells me he wants to take me out to dinner at this really nice steak restaurant because he wanted to go there after graduation but 1) it will be packed, and 2) feeding 2 dozen people steak is effing expensive. We get to the restaurant and as we're getting out of the car he is taking FOREVER to close his door... I thought I saw him put something in his pocket and immediately told myself not to think that because IT ISN'T HAPPENING.
Dinner was great, and the weather was gorgeous (72 degree days in Texas are a rarity) so we decided to go for a walk after dinner. The "something is in his pocket" thought is long gone by now, because I'm focusing on walking about a mile in a dress and 4 inch heels... a walk probably wasn't the best idea. We got about halfway around the pond and were walking up a ramp to this covered bridge when my heel got stuck between the planks. BF didn't notice right away, so he got to the platform (top?)of the bridge and I caught up to him and kept walking, thinking we were about to walk down the other side, only to run right into the back of him.. smooth.
He turns around and says:
"You know I love you more than anything in the entire world, right?"
Me: "Yes...." *
he's just being cute, don't ruin this moment, it isn't going to happen*
BF: "And you know that I will do anything in the entire world to make you as happy as possible for the rest of your life?"
Me: *nods mutely*
BF: *gets down one knee with the most gorgeous ring and ring box I have ever seen* "Will you marry me?"
Me: "yyyyeeessss"
And there was a family at the pond feeding the ducks, and apparently they saw us get engaged and started clapping. Yay for random strangers

But somehow in all the excitment of this weekend we didn't get any pictures together with me wearing the ring, so I took some pictures this morning... enjoy!!!