Wedding Cakes & Food Forum

Cookie Swap

Hey ladies! I had an idea while searching for "wedding type cookies" to bake for my special day. Let's all post our favorite cookie recipes on this thread as a kind of virtual cookie swap! We can test them out ourselves, and even if we're not baking our own for our weddings, we can still have some yumtastic treats! 

My new favorite: Mini Cherry Cheesecakes

Here’s the recipe:

2 pkg. (8oz.) cream cheese, softened to room temperature

3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 Tbsp vanilla
1 Tbsp lemon juice


vanilla wafers
2″ aluminum mini baking cups
Cherry Pie Filling

Place a vanilla wafer in each mini baking cup.


Spoon approximately 3 Tbsp of cream cheese mixture over each wafer. Makes about 4 dozen.


Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Let cool and top with cherry pie filling. Refrigerate.




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