Getting in Shape

Don't Panic! TK is being wonky

Hey guys, TK is being really wonky and is eating posts.  Luckily, it eventually regurgitates them.  So if you don't see your sent post, just wait a bit.  No need to send it again or write another one.  The original will pop up.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon.  I have no doubt they're working on it.

Re: Don't Panic! TK is being wonky

  • In Response to <a href="">Don't Panic! TK is being wonky</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey guys, TK is being really wonky and is eating posts.  Luckily, it eventually regurgitates them.  So if you don't see your sent post, just wait a bit.  No need to send it again or write another one.  The original will pop up. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. <strong> I have no doubt they're working on it.</strong>
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    I haven't laughed this hard in a week.  ;)  You're so cute.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Don't Panic! TK is being wonky</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Don't Panic! TK is being wonky : I haven't laughed this hard in a week.  ;)  You're so cute.
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Don't mock my blind faith!  I still have hope.  However unlikely it might be  ;)
  • I think it might be fixed - a bunch of posts that were blank now have content!
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