Morning everyone - One day closer to the weekend!
Scale is STILL not down, even after a butt-kicking workout last night. I have a feeling today's 'lack of loss' might have something to do with the unplanned stress of having to threaten Macy's multiple times last night while I was on the phone with them for nearly an hour. They really are a terrible company, and even after it was resolved I was still so fuming mad and overly stressed for the entire rest of the evening. I'm still mad at them this morning.
(very brief synopsis - second time they'e screwed up a gift card we got, and then told me there was nothing they could do about the $180 they charged to my Macy's card instead of the GC. second time I've also found that if you start blowing a gasket on them, they're magically able to remedy the problem in about 30 seconds. lazy arses.)
Anyway, today is kenpo and normal eating, and the scale had better drop after today or I'm going to start threatening it, too.
I'm doing a morning workout in just a few minutes since FI accidently woke me up on his way out, so I figured I'd take advantage of the extra time.
Hope everyone has a great day!