Getting in Shape

Workout Accountability: Tuesday

Morning Ladies!

Yesterday was healthy eating and cardio x, abs, and arms/back day.  Scale dropped one lb of the weekend weight, but there's still so much to go.  Today is 90 min of yoga - I hate it but it's minimal stress on my knee and burns around 300 cals, so I'll take it.  And, still no word from the police or insurance company (or my knee doctor for that matter!)  I'm trying hard not to stress, but it isn't easy!

How are you lovely ladies doing this morning?

Re: Workout Accountability: Tuesday

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    souptinsouptin member
    First Comment
    edited July 2012

    Lobsters did the car accident further agitate your knee? if it did you may be in for a longer insurance process (both FI and FSIL are in insurance business) its super important that if you havn't already been checked out to do it soon so if you need to claim any additional physio/ treatment you can get it covered.

    Last night ended up being a bit of a bust. I had a planned spin class at 7pm cooking our dinner ran late (stupid delicious roast taking too long) so I re-planned to still go to the gym and do some I am eating dinner FSIL messages to say she has sent the invites out for a shower she is hosting early august and told everyone where we were registered....(wouldnt have been a problem if we had finished the registries) so then it was a frantic night of final decisions ( we had 3 of almost everything so we could pick between them) I was up till after 10 working on it before I gave up.
    hoping to get it done tonight as well as catch a spin class. I hate missing a class, especially one i was really looking forward to. *grumble grumble*
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    Eating was right on track yesterday although I was exhausted and took 2 naps. This morning we did an awesome leg workout and I did a short run, a little less than two miles.
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    Thanks souptin - no injuries for anyone from the accident, thank goodness!
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    Lobsters - I hope you hear something soon. How frustrating!

    I usually weigh myself once every week sometimes every two if I'm not feeling confident. I've been really worried I gained weight because of my horrible eating last weekend and sure enough I stepped on the scale this morning and I gained 2 lbs. Ugh! I am so disappointed in myself I could cry. I am hoping at least some of this is just bloat/water weight from my crappy eating. My shower is Saturday and I'm too afraid to even eat a piece of cake now. This morning I did 3.25 miles on the treadmill in 30 minutes. I have been really happy with my running lately, but obviously I need to step things up. I also lifted this morning, chest and shoulders.
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    Good morning!

    Sorry you've got so much crap going on Lobsters - I hope you can get it all out of the way today!

    Yesterday I sort of overdid it at the gym. I went to the Les Mills Body Combat class, which lasted 45 minutes, then I did 30 minutes of elliptical. I ended up burning so many calories and getting out of there so late that I couldn't eat my way back to 1200 net for the day. Next time I will have to plan a little better.

    I really enjoyed the body combat class. I was sweating like crazy and feeling the burn the whole time, so I'm definitely going to start working that in at least once a week. The moves are more mechanical than zumba was, so I didn't feel like a total idiot and I felt like I kept up pretty good for my first try.
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    I woke up to a leg cramp, so I drank a ton of water and stretched it out before my run.  I was lazy yesterday and didn't get my run in so I did both my run & free-weights today.  Not exactly what I had planned for the week but it's still on-track.
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    Lobsters- Have you tried pool running, swimming, or pilates?

    Maribeth - Have you considered 10k or half marathon training?

    OK I got lazy and did not ride the bike yesterday. I figured out at around 6pm I was low on calories. I'm currently converting to an almost vegetarian diet due to how I feel about
    American eating patterns and the way food is raised in this country. I also wanted to make sure Mr Migraine with clusters was gone so I focused on getting a lot of the laundry done for our trip this weekend and going to bed early. The rest really did me some good.

    Tonight I run though. I'm planning on eating black bean tacos for lunch from chipotle. I just ate a gluten free english muffin with peanut butter too so I'm already ahead of yesterday at this time in calories.

    I also plan on ordering some gluten free, animal free, soy free protein powder today so I can start testing smoothies when we get back as breakfast options. FI has been very supportive of this decision I made last week. The meat I do eat will be predominantly free range. I cant completely nix meat due to some health issues and dietary requirements but we're hoping I can cut it substantially not that I ate a ton of meat before. Ticker
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    Maribeth its you said it is likely just bloat/water. Don't stress over the shower I'm sure you will look great. I feel that sometimes when I stress over things my eating habits change. Easier to stay healthy when I'm not stressed. Today is a bike to work day 12 miles round trip. We start our final vendor meetings tonight I scheduled them all at the house so im not eating out or having a drink during the meetings. Hopefully that keeps me on track.

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    Feeling kind of discouraged today. I know I have only been at this a month, but this was the first weekly weigh in where I didn't lose anything. I maybe gone up a few tenths of a pound. I thought last week wasn't too bad. With trying to fix our house so we can actually live in it, working full time, and running a business, eating right and exercising is so hard.

    I wish our house could be done so we would not have to work on it any more and I could have time to cook and exercise and stuff. Having a FI that works overnights sucks alot too. I wish we could just be at that point where our business could support him and he could quit his full time job and we could really settle into a life together.Grrr.....
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    Last night we had an unexpected birthday invite...hello ice cream cake, cupcake and crab dip....damn you crab dip and crackers....with 2 beer.

    So anyway, last night was shot, so mega strict the rest of the week with food and realy needing tp up the exercise.
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    dewingedpixie - best of luck with your flexitarian/vegetarian pursuits! I went vegetarian about a year and a half ago and LOVE it! Technically, I would be considered a pescatarian because I do still eat fish and seafood. I found that once I cut meat out – I eat so much healthier. It has been tricky with trying to lose fat/gain muscle in preparation for my wedding because of the amount of protein I need – but I’m making it work.

    I did make it to the gym last night and got about 45 min. in of mixed cardio (treadmill & stair stepper). This morning was PT. My body is pretty tired but I am just trying to push it until Thursday – when I have my 3 week weigh-in/measurements/pinch-test and will have Friday/Saturday off from working out due to traveling home for wedding planning and bridal shower activities.

    Keep up the great work ladies, and try not to let the scale get you down. 

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    Martson dont be down on yourself. This could just be where you are in your cycle, or a momentary pause. You will continue to drop. You're doing great.

    Wilh- I cant completely drop meat due to high protein requirements. We are trying to get me to 3 times a week though. I already eat a produce laden diet with no beef. I think my dr will accept that. I'm trying to pick a protein powder right now and its difficult with it having to be soy and gluten free as well. Especially since I'm trying to avoid egg or whey. Ticker
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:238Discussion:548773d0-62e1-42cf-ab08-113a57575961Post:66c47ed0-336e-426c-9328-a8f8d7c18c4b">Re: Workout Accountability: Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning! Sorry you've got so much crap going on Lobsters - I hope you can get it all out of the way today! Yesterday I sort of overdid it at the gym. I went to the Les Mills Body Combat class, which lasted 45 minutes, then I did 30 minutes of elliptical. I ended up burning so many calories and getting out of there so late that I couldn't eat my way back to 1200 net for the day. Next time I will have to plan a little better. I really enjoyed the body combat class. I was sweating like crazy and feeling the burn the whole time, so I'm definitely going to start working that in at least once a week. <strong>The moves are more mechanical than zumba was, so I didn't feel like a total idiot </strong>and I felt like I kept up pretty good for my first try.
    Posted by entropicbeauty[/QUOTE]

    Thats how I felt in the combat class as well-my fitness level is still low so Combat totally destroys me!  I mean I love it but wow do I hurt after it. I like not having to worry about hip shaking and all the other zumba moves as well.
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    dewing - Not sure if this is gluten free - but I know there are some rice-based protein powders that some of my vegan friends like (whey & soy free). 
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    Feeling frustrated from yesterdays lack of good results, I went to the store yesterday and stocked up on more berries, and some general healthy snacks and some Special K, which I had this morning, and it was a lot better than I thought it would be, but something tells me one bowl isn't going to hold me long ;)  I upped my workout a bit, taking it one day at a time so I don't hurt myself.  Yesterday was a total of 30 mins, today was 45 with 30 of it being cardio.  I did the step thing on the Wii for 10, then "ran" for 20.  I hit the two mile mark at 14.5 minutes, I was pretty proud of that :)  Total 2.85 miles in 20 minutes. And I checked, I burned more than I took in for breakfast! ;)  I still feel like i'm not burning enough calories... I suppose if I get outside and really move instead of being in a small living room that would make a difference now wouldn't it? ;)  FI has his final this saturday then its two weeks of no school, just work.  Hopefully we can go for a hike or just get out and do something fun on Sunday :)
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    Good afternoon everyone!  Last night's eating was a struggle, but made it through ... WOOT WOOT! :)  Woke up this morning for day 8 of the 20 day shred, getting bored of zone 1 ... 2 more days.  Today is double up day, I have a weight/cardio class tonight after work.  Just need to find something to eat for dinner ... running out of ideas.
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    I was SO sore last night after my workout but I managed to get myself up and to the gym for the second day in a row!  I walk about a mile to the T station and take it down to my gym, so I'm getting around 2 miles of walking in, too.  Since I'm still really sore, I did a Pilates class today.  Holy crap, though, my hips and thighs are HATING me now!  I have a feeling I'm going to still be sore tomorrow, so instead of my plan of weights 3x a week, I need to find something else to do (at least for the lower half of my body).  I'm thinking just working a treadmill would be best, compared to a spin bike or elliptical.  
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    Hey ladies! Week has been going ok so far...

    Last night I went to zumba with a instructor and I did not like her class...oh well...I was so sore from BodyPump on Sunday so it was fine. I had a huge salad for dinner and then was a little hungry still...ended up overeating (dark chocolate chips! boo!) I ran 3 miles this morning and have eaten well today...

    I just feel like I struggle so much with food...I love healthy food...but sometimes I just want to eat and eat and eat...not to be full but to occupy my mouth? Any suggestions?
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    Dew- I do cycle and love to swim though our pool is a rec one with no lap lanes.  For now I'm just wearing a knee brace and toughing it out until we're through p90x.

    Andrea- water and gum have helped me with that issue quite a bit.  Also, popcorn is a great one to keep you munching for awhile without killing your calorie count.  And, of course, fruits and veggies.
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    Don't know what happened, I read all of these posts earlier today and then just forgot to write mine! Weird.

    I went out running today, man it was hot. I am much happier running in cooler temperatures it turns out. I made sure to be hydrating all morning before I went out, I put on tonnes of sunscreen, my hat, my sunglasses, and brought water with me... but I was dying! I could only run for about 1.3 miles before I felt like my body was giving up on me. So I walked the last 1.2 miles home and laid on the floor for a while.

    Strange that you are talking about 10K training - I just started my 10K training schedule today! Feels a little overwhelming at the current moment, but I think it's just the heat. It was supposed to be 2.5 miles of running today, which I know that I am fully capable of - but it was frustrating to not get it accomplished. Not a great first day. I'm going back to late evening running for the next few days!
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    Been trailing behind the wagon for a while now.. Hitting the starch pretty bad lately, but working on pulling myself out of the slump...
    Got a 30 min run/walk in today, and watermelon is tasting good :) One day at a time... 
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    Evening all!

    I got back on track yesterday with exercising. It has been hard to walk the pup though, the horseflies are so awful right now! So we only did a half mile and went home to swim. I did 20 minutes of the breast-stroke and 11 minutes of treading water before my legs felt like dead-weights. Salmon and veggies for dinner too so this morning I was down a lb from the weekend gain.

    Dew- you mentioned pool running, do you have to have a specific set-up in order for that to work? We have an inground pool but the shallow end is only 3ft deep so I'm not sure I would get the full benefits...
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    Good evening ladies! Went to the gym today with my FI and we really worked out! I was able to do 96 push presses, 96 pull downs, and 96 squats in 20 minutes. I know I could've done more but I felt a muscle tug in one of my arms so I had to stop. Tomorrow I will be doing cardio.
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    Today was a mild day for exercising.  I was up late finishing a paper and got a little over three hours of sleep.  How I'm still awake, I don't know.  I went to the gym on my way home from class to get some light cardio in and work my core a bit.  I did 18 minutes on the bike and 13 minutes on the treadmill.  
    I'm not a jogger, by any means, but I'd like to be.  Today I jogged for two, one minute segments.  My ankles and shins were sore by the end, so I didn't jog the third minute like I planned.  I'm sort of doing C25K, but only for 10 minutes at a time, and with longer walking periods.  When I'm comfortable with this (i.e. not in pain), I'll add some more time to the jogging segments.  
    I also did some core work, then came home and ate a wonderful, healthy dinner after being out of the house for about 13 hours.
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