Getting in Shape

help please

OK so I am 5'8" and 150 lbs. My weight is right on target, but I have a belly. I hate it and I would like to lose it, without losing too much weight (it took me my whole life to finally be the weight I'm meant to be...). Any ideas or suggestions would be very much appreciated. I have tried my dress on a few times and the only place that it is tight is in the belly region. I AM NOT PREGNANT!!!
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Re: help please

  • I'm sure you would love for me to say anything besides what I am going to say but its all about your food intake.  Many woman carry their fat in the waist, hips and legs.  We produce tons of fat cells in those areas, but in order to tighten those areas its a clean food intake.  Have you heard the saying "abs are made in the kitchen?"  Its so true!  So, along with some cardio, you can slim the abnominal section down. 

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  • Ditto JoMega.  Abs really are made in the kitchen. 

    Ditch as much processed food as you can.  Look into "clean eating" and exercise!
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OK, that's great. I have been cutting out a lot of processed foods already anyway. What kind of excercises should I focus on?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Another thing to consider is reduction of your stress levels. When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol, which essentially stores fat in your abdomen. Continuing to eat healthy in addition to relaxation and stress reduction can improve the "belly". This link can give you more information on ways to reduce stress and why it is important.

    However, exercise is also key in addition.
    Always Daddy's Little Girl

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