Random post, my mom was in town and we stocked up on local fresh picked blackberries and peaches and sweet corn, I had no idea there was local fruit produce in this state that tasted so good! I had always been so disappointed in it, I guess I finally found the right area to live in ;D I have almost a gallon of blackberries frozen (spead them on a cookie sheet to freeze individually, then in a tupperware so I can take what I need), and I'm up to three peaches cut up and freezing in the same fashion, they are SO yummy (and huge!) I don't want any to go to waste! My FI wants to put some peaches in the dehydrater too
Apparently I kind of missed the strawberry season (oops) but I'm keeping an eye out for what's pickable next. Having fun digging for some healthy recipes to try out for dinner
If anyone has any favorites that involve any type of fresh fruits, I'd love to hear them!
I also found this website, they have so much info on finding local farms and preserving and picking fruits and veggies, I just wanted to share it
Fresh fruit makes me so happy, I'm such a nerd ;D