Getting in Shape

Tell me about your workouts.

What's a typical week look like for you, in terms of workouts?  Do you have a set routine, or do you do what you feel like?  What time of day do you work out?  Favorites and least favorites?

We just joined a fancypants gym 2 miles from our house.  I'm looking forward to lap swimming, getting back into a weights routine, and group classes.

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Re: Tell me about your workouts.

  • anna.oskaranna.oskar member
    Eighth Anniversary 5 Love Its 2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited July 2012
    My schedule is a mess right now due to a bunch of factors:

    *Been too hot to be outside
    *Unintentionally undereating = better not workout hardcore
    *School work taking more time than usual
    *Been doing regular life exercise like golf and yardwork

    I like routine. A lot.  I'm cool with scheduling "outdoor activity"  and then just doing whatever sounds fun, but I need to know my estimated calorie burn so I can budget my food or I'll end up WAY under by the end of the day.  i'll work out any time of the day as long as I don't have to be hot.

    So here is the schedule i'd like to be on:

    *At least 3 days a week doing life exercise (mowing or golf  = around 500 cals)
    *A walk/run every evening on treadmill (varying intensity/duration each day)
    *Weights 2-3 times per week
    *At least 3 day a week video workout

    So did you ever decide if you were going to restart Insanity this month?
  • I'm not going to yet.  I don't have the motivation right now to do it.  I need to get in a better place fitness wise--I've been pretty down on myself weight and fitness-wise for the past couple months, and it's been a vicious cycle, and I know I won't stick with it.  That's part of the reason we joined this awesome gym.  I hope to work in some Insanity workouts for my home workout days, and then hit it for real again maybe this winter.

    So my hope is to swim at least once a week, run at least twice a week, and lift 2-3 times a week, with whatever else worked in when I feel like some cross training or variety.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • i feel ya on the being down stuff.

    I really need to get back in control.  Man i wish I had a pool.  The darn ones here are way too spendy for my budget or i'd be there in a heartbeat.

    If your gym has specialty ab classes, do them.  They were my favorite last time i had a membership.  They were fun, never felt like work, but I always felt them the next day hardcore. (pun not intended)  ;)
  • I love having a routinue...and for the time being mine looks like this:

    Monday--Spin class (1 hour)
    Tuesday--Easy run in the AM (2-3 miles) and yoga class in the PM (1 hour)
    Wednesday--Swim (1 hour)
    Thursday--2 mile run and weights (full body)
    Friday--Rest day
    Saturday--Long run (around 5 miles right now)
    Sunday--Stretch and weights

    I am mainly doing it like this because I am following a training plan to run a 10K. (I did a 5K training plan March-May and decided it was time for a 10K now.)

    I love all the workouts that I do...I feel like there are so many different sports/ways to be active that there is NO reason to hate what kind of workout you do. Ex: I tried this turbokick class at my gym a few weeks ago and I hated I didn't go back. Find something you love and it will be much easier to be consistent.

    Also, despite loving having a rountine, I recognize the importance of "swtiching things up" so I try to keep my weight rountines pretty varied...and once I finish this training plan (its 8 weeks long) I will find something new.
  • I don't have much of a routine these days. I just kinda do what I feel like doing! Generally:

    2 to 4 (lately hovering around 2, used to be closer to 4.. too hot) runs ranging from 3 to 5.5km
    3 or 4 dog walks (about 30 minutes each)
    Golf or bike ride usually once a week

    I am not an early morning exerciser. Just won't ever get out of bed early to do it. When it's cooler, around 11:00am is my go-to time. Right now, it's hovering around 8:30pm on nights when I'm not working because it's a bit cooler then. Walking the dog occurs around 2:30ish in the afternoon.

    I just figure, I won't force myself to do a crazy amount of exercise that I will NEVER be able to maintain. I do what I like so that I'll enjoy it! :)
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  • J&K sounds like a smart moving waiting to start insanity again - I'm still impressed it's on your radar :)

    We've been working out in the evening when FI gets home from work.  I don't like working out that late, but it's our only time to do it together, and staying on each other has really helped keep me motivated.
    The workout comes down to weights on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, and cardio on Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday.

    Once p90x is over, I will go back to working out right after work, with 2-3 weight days during the week.
  • Ugh, my workout schedule is a mess right now, too. I don't know how much I have talked about this on TK, but last summer I apparently let my bodyfat % get too low, which caused all sorts of health problems. It was totally my own stupid fault; I was doing pretty serious training (high mileage, lots of speedwork) and but I didn't change my eating habits to support it. Dumb.

    Thus I've been on a training hiatus. I'm still running, but I don't ever run for more than an hour at a time, and most days it's more like 30-40 minutes. No more speedwork for me, either. I generally run 5-6 days/week, at "easy" pace, and then do planks (front/sides/back) to keep up my core strength. I've been meaning to get back into the pushup routine, too, but that hasn't quite happened yet. 

    When I was really training, I had a fairly set schedule: long run on Saturdays, speedwork on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a "moderate" effort run on Fridays. Wednesdays and Sundays were "easy" days, and I took Mondays off, because fvck Mondays. Planks and pushups happened alternating days.
  • Sorry, that last post turned into a "wah wah, poor me."

    I've always been an early-morning runner, but I've had a hard time with that lately. I've been running after work these days. I haven't decided whether I like it or not.
  • I have a schedule, but I'm not so great at sticking to it.  My goal is to go to the gym 4 days a week (Su, M, W, F) and do cardio.  I either use the elliptical or the arc trainer, sometimes the bike.  Treadmills and I don't get along.  I also do two days of upper and two days of lower body at the gym.  On Tuesday and Thursday I do a core workout at home.  I rest on Saturdays.  
    Last Wednesday, I over did it on upper body and both my arms were sore until yesterday.  I couldn't fully extend my arms and trying to hurt like crazy.  I'm finally feeling better today, so I'm going to take it easy on my arms this week to let them fully heal.  
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  • I usually hit the pool after work. I am generally stressed and it helps me not take my job out on FI. I lift 4 days a week that varies because I lift right before work so it alternates. But tomorrow I am starting a round of P90x/insanity hybrid and ordered Shakeology. I like to swim in the morning and lift in the evenings with walking my 4 pups during lunchtime.

    I am hoping this works. I had great success with P90x in the past and really want to get back into that lifestyle. I was so much happiers (and healthier).

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'll post mine on a "good" week..I have also been having problems  staying on track for the same reasons of others, its crazy hot, I'm super busy with work and meetings up the ying yang for wedding stuff.

    Monday: Spin or zumba
    tuesday: spin or body pump
    wednesday rest (usually go for a long walk with FI)
    Thursday: pump class or my own weight routine
    Friday: spin or rest
    Saturday spin, pump or rest
    Sunday spin or rest

    I like to keep my options of classes open so I dont feel restricted or to routine based.
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  • Right now I'm in month 2 of Insanity, so somewhere between 45-60 minutes of those workouts 6 days a week. (I'm beginning to hate Shaun T. more with each passing day, but darn do my legs look good! Too bad they'll be covered by my dress, oh well!) 

    Once Insanity's done I think I'm going to transition back into Physique 57, which is lower impact.  Insanity has been killing my knees!
  • I avoid the gym at all costs, and am unfortunatly not a runner, so most of my workout comes from the Wii Fit Plus and daily life stuff and the occasional DVD. I'm trying to get on for 30 mins to an hour a day, lately it's been just the 30 mins tho. Start with a warm up, some yoga or something, then the bulk is cardio (and training plus as they call it), the a cool down with some fun stuff. I notice that I don't usually work out on my FI's days off, I need to fix that. We just moved into a new place and we have a creek at the back of the property that's several hundred feet away through the trees and down a hill.  Been thinking about walking down but trying to run up baack to the house, doing a few sets, but it's just been too hot to entertain that idea ;)
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  • I am an early morning workout person.  I get up by 6 most days to get a workout in. Even on the weekend it is a luxury to sleep until 7:30 or 8.  The only consistent workout is Monday's I meet  with a personal trainer.  Most other days I bike to work it's 6 miles one way so a good cardio workout.  I also try to get 1 other weight day in a week.   I will also try and add some other cardio in such as a hike or elliptial. 

    I really want to get back to swimming a couple of times a week.  Maybe I'll go tomorrow.

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  • Right now I have gym days every other day (I wash my hair every other day so I can only get super disgusting at the gym on days I wash my hair).

    Gym time usually consists of 45 minutes to an hour of cardio (Elliptical/Stairmaster/Treadmill) and sometimes weightlifting.

    On the "off" gym days I try to get any kind of cardio in that I can, usually walks with co-workers, recumbent bike or playing disk golf with my FI.
  • I'm an early morning person. I have bootcamp at 530 and currently go 4 to 5 days a week. After class I run 2 miles outside, sometimes 3 if class was all weights and no cardio. I never thought I would like a group class but I don't know what I'd do without it.
  • cnf2013cnf2013 member
    25 Love Its Second Anniversary First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited July 2012
    Without a routine I slack. I workout 5-7 days a week, though the mid week holiday last week threw me off kilter like crazy.

    I get up at 6am every day and workout in the morning. I either run a few miles or lately I've been swimming laps. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings I've been going to spin class and sometimes run afterwards too. I also keep a jump rope and light set of weights in my office and once an hour at work I get up and do something for about 3-5 minutes because otherwise I'd just sit around all day and turn to mush.

    I'm training for a triathlon, so really all I'm doing right now is running, biking and swimming. Really I just like to run though. I also love using weight machines at the gym. 

    FI and I are also currently building a 12'x24'x8' wrap around deck on our house by hand, just the two of us. That's been consuming my weekends and after 8-10 hours of that every Saturday and Sunday, I'm definitely sore on Mondays!
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  • I've just recently gotten into a solid routine.. it's finally a habit :)

    Mondays- 6am API class  (API Caveman Training is similar to Crossfit but I like the methods and training more)
    Tuesday- AM Cardio- 2-5 miles and ABS
                     PM- Kickboxing class- 2hrs
    Wed-6am API
    Thursday- PM Kickboxing 2hrs
    Friday- 6am- API
    Sat-Sun- I usually go for a morning run one of these days and leave the other as my rest day
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  • I'm doing the Insanity workouts, but I'm not following the program to a T.  I usually try to do about 3 - 4 of the workouts a week.  In a few weeks when I have a little more stamina, I'm going to start the program as it's intended and follow the schedule/meal plan.
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