September 2013 Weddings

Live band, DJ or BOTH???

FI and I have been discussing music. We are a fun couple with very outgoing personalities so we are thinking band. family on the other hand thinks it is a bad idea and we should just do a DJ. The band we want has done weddings and we are actually friends with them, so we had the idea of having the band perform some parts of the reception mainly the dancing and the lead singer who is also a DJ, DJ the important dances eg. father/daughter dance first dance etc. I am just worried it will end up being to much of a mess in the end. We want the band to be able to enjoy the reception since they are our friends as well. UGH 

Re: Live band, DJ or BOTH???

  • I like the idea of both but I would do it the other way around band for the special songs and DJ for the Dance but that's just my opinion.  We are having a friend sing during our parent dances.
  • If they're your friends, it may be best to go with a DJ. Your friends might want to do one or two songs as a gift to you, but if you want them to enjoy the reception and not feel like they're at a gig the whole time, definitely go for the DJ.
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  • Go with the DJ but have the band do a lil 15 min set after dinner before the DJ starts with all the party music. It the band are guest you want them to enjoy the night too and not feel like they are at work.
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