Hi everyone! I'm a regular on the nest boards, but this is my first time posting on the knot.
I was just wondering if anyone knew of a place where I could print my own stickers to go on the bottom of Hershy Kisses? I do graphic design & I'm making them for a friends wedding & she wants 1000.
Right now the only thing I can think of is to print them at home on sticker paper & hand punch them out with a circle paper punch. Please tell me someone knows of a better way than that. Hand punching 1000 stickers sounds not fun at all lol

Does anyone know if theres an online printer that I could upload my design too?
Re: Hershey Kiss Stickers
Welcome Baby Grace to the world! (via emergency c-section @ 38w2d)
2/24/12 12:03pm 5lbs, 9oz Birth Story
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