Are you having them made in bulk, or are you making them yourselves? Just wondering if they will all the say the same thing or if you can personalize them.
In Response to <a href="">What to put on the koozie?!</a>: [QUOTE]I'm looking for something fun yet still classy. Any suggestions for a phrase to put on the koozie favors? Posted by Elizabeth131[/QUOTE]
I like the idea of the poster above me. Although if you want something "classy"- choose another favor. There's nothing classy about koozies. They're fun and a great idea for a laidback, low budget bbq type reception.
Not that koozies are bad. They're not. I use them myself. But IMO, if you're going for formal and elegant, I'd choose something other than a koozie.
"Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
One of my friends gave koozies out at their wedding for favors. They had it personalized with their names, wedding date, and some hearts. I could honestly care less what is on my koozie. A koozie is a koozie. I wouldn't be more likely to use a plain koozie over a koozie with someone's name on it. They're all the same to be.
But I agree, there's really nothing classy that you can put on a koozie. Maybe find a quote that you and your FI like?
A friend of mine had their names and the date on one side. And on the other side it had "To have and to hold, and to keep your can cold". I really liked them and still use it!
How about something generic, like maybe just a quote - - I personally wouldn't want any favor that had other people's names on it, but that is just me.
Normally I would say avoid your names and date on the favor, but I know H and I have a ton of Koozies and we love remembering what they are from. So I wouldn't hate if your name and date were on it. Or just the date.
I like "To have, to hold, to keep your drink cold." Or something along those lines.
i agree - name and date should be on it. i keep all koozies and like PP said...i like to remember when/where they are from.
what about like "bride & groom tie the knot" with a knot on there? + the date. or "bride & grooms BIG DAY" with the date "cheers!" "Just Married" "eat drink & be married"
Re: What to put on the koozie?!
Are you having them made in bulk, or are you making them yourselves? Just wondering if they will all the say the same thing or if you can personalize them.
[QUOTE]I'm looking for something fun yet still classy. Any suggestions for a phrase to put on the koozie favors?
Posted by Elizabeth131[/QUOTE]
I like the idea of the poster above me. Although if you want something "classy"- choose another favor. There's nothing classy about koozies. They're fun and a great idea for a laidback, low budget bbq type reception.
Not that koozies are bad. They're not. I use them myself. But IMO, if you're going for formal and elegant, I'd choose something other than a koozie.
But I agree, there's really nothing classy that you can put on a koozie. Maybe find a quote that you and your FI like?
do you have a theme? what time of year is it? etc....
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Normally I would say avoid your names and date on the favor, but I know H and I have a ton of Koozies and we love remembering what they are from. So I wouldn't hate if your name and date were on it. Or just the date.
I like "To have, to hold, to keep your drink cold." Or something along those lines.
what about like "bride & groom tie the knot" with a knot on there? + the date.
or "bride & grooms BIG DAY" with the date
"Just Married"
"eat drink & be married"
here is a site that has a bunch of ideas: