The hotels that we're looking at charge $3-$4 to just put them in the guests room or to give them to them at check-in. We have a number of people coming from out of town and the bags would be necessary for almost everyone. What do you do??? I'm happy to do the bags because I know I can do them economically but the $4 charge in addition for 70 some families is a charge that I'd really like to allocate somewhere else.
Re: Are out of town bags necessary?
I agree that the $4 charge is a lot, and while I don't think people would miss them, if you have ideas for the bags that would add to the whole weekend/theme, it might be nice to have a cost-effective way of delivering them.
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We sucked it up and paid the fee (I think it was $3 in the room or $2 at check in). But we only had around 20. The guests really did love the OOT boxes so I do recommend it with that many OOT guests. Maybe you could leave out something you were planning to put in the boxes to help offset the cost.
With All the Trimmings
Have you talked to the hotel and mentioned how much business you are bringing them? B/c if you remind them of that fact they could wave that $4 charge. Not only are your guests staying at the hotel but they will also probably eat there as well depending on the hotel for people staying for more than just the night of the wedding. I would think that could be a charge you would be able to have compt. I am def having OOT bags for my wedding I think it justs sets a nice tone for the upcoming events!
~Planning Bio~
kill them with kindness and don't take no for an answer.
I've attended a number of out of town weddings and the biggest benefit to having the bags was the weekend itinerary and information they contained. Who cares about the snacks, but having information about the area, what wedding events were going on and when (especially if you have a bf who doesn't bring the wedding invitation or you forget it, etc.) It was nice to be welcomed with a little greeting - after typically having traveled far - and to have a go-to summary of what is going on and when.
One wedding I attended had a "Hospitality Room" where guests could meet up and greet, have snacks, etc. This was awesome, because so often you end up checking into your hotel and trying to track people down separately or wait until you see them at the reception before saying hello, which is awkward. It bridges the gaps between the rehearsal, wedding, and anything else you've got planned.
Hope that helps!
I did not know that hotels charge to give them out and put in rooms. I met with 8 managers of 8 hotels before deciding and none of them mentioned charging to put them in rooms or to hand them out at check-in. They do not charge and we only have reserved 20 rooms.
70 rooms!!! They should waive that fee. Did you contract with them already? I think you could do better.
Honestly, if you're that dehydrated and jonesing for chocolate after a flight, go to the vending machine down the hall and buy a $1 bottle of water and a $1 candy bar.
I can't begin to see the need for these at all, especially for brides on a budget. All of my family lives far enough away that we can't get to a wedding and back in a day.
I think expecting a B&G to provide OOT bags, hospitality suites, etc. is beyond silly.
Another key negotiating point is to make sure the hotels know that it doesn't matter who gets what bag. Sometimes they had to search and search for our names, other times, everyone got the same exact bag so it was quick. I think if they know they can just grab from a pile it makes things A LOT easier (and not worth ANY charge).
Good luck!
We're not doing OOT bags. Especially with the cost. We are going to do a cocktail hour after the RD with our wedding party and then invite everyone for appetizers and cocktails. There we'll pass out a map of the area and things to do as well as wedding related events. Our wedding is just way to big to do it for everyone and we're paying $275 per person not including open bar so OOT bags can be skipped.