i want a wow factor at the wedding and want it to be interactive as possible, during the reception we will be having a cigar roller, and i was also thinking of having a photo flip book station. should i have someone else for a favor to like little mason js of chimmichuri sauce( also going to be used during diner) or would the cigar staion and phot booth be enough? or maybe all three? any ideas would be great
Re: is this too much??? or not enough
I love the idea of a flip book station. I had a photo booth, and never heard of the flip book until watching 4 Weddings the other night.
I abhor cigars~well, for that matter, any smoking and there is not a single person in my immediate or extended family who smokes, so this would be a "nope" for all of us.
Do the flip book thing and the mason jar. It's plenty.
Or if you really want the cigars to honor your dad, what about just buying a box of decent cigars and having them set up somewhere for people to take if they want them. I would imagine thats a much cheaper route than a cigar roller, especially if you don't even know who would get one.
I wasn't worried at all about your setup. I think you'll be fine with how you have it setup. You just had said you didn't know how many would smoke them,, thats why I mentioned just buying a box. But you clarified. I still think 50 cigars is a lot to expect from a wedding your size, but hey its your wedding and your money to spend how you choose. I know none of my friends are avid cigar smokers either, but they enjoy smoking them at special events. We bought decent ones for our OOT bags, but we bought them for only $5 each at the Native American casino where our wedding was so they were much cheaper. A friend of mine who got married after us put fine tobacco and pipes into her OOT bags, and all the guys enjoyed that too. (Most of the people staying at the hotels for both of our weddings were friends who didn't want to drive instead of actual OOT people).
Yes, I think you will be fine with the cigar roller and photo books. Our only favor was the photo booth and the photo strip frames. There were some people who didn't use the photo booth so technically they didn't get a favor, but that was their choice.
For example if you want to do tosses you could end up with all the single men upstairs smoking their cigars and then stinking to high heaven when you do get them back in the room.