
Would using silk flowers be tacky?

I have been in two weddings when they used silk flowers. One wedding, they did not turn out very pretty but the other they turned out beautiful. I am using calla lilies. I was just wondering if anyone has been to a wedding or have used silk calla lilies and how they turned out?

Re: Would using silk flowers be tacky?

  • edited December 2011
    I think silk flowers, especially calla lilies, would be beautiful. I went to the florist today and saw some silk calla lilies. They looked so real. I hope this works for you. Good luck :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I was recently at a wedding that used fake calla lilies and they didn't look too bad. They were the "real touch" fake lilies so they looked better than the silk kind. I personally really dislike fake flowers and think they always look fake. You could tell these calla lilies weren't real, but they didn't look as bad as some that I've seen.
  • edited December 2011
    Silk flowers are not tacky if you use the right kind! "Real touch" or "Natural touch" calla lilies can be incredibly real if you find the right types. As a florist, I really never recommend silk calla lilies, as the fabric just doesn't have that living "glow" that natural touch callas do. These natural touch lilies are best found at florist shops, not at local craft stores. Here's a link to one of the bouquets I've done using entirely real touch calla lilies and roses: .  It's all about choosing the right flowers. Some can be great and some can be tacky, like you said! 
    Best wishes!
  • edited December 2011
    Whoops! The link didn't show up on my last post. Let's try that again:

  • edited December 2011
    I think silk flowers are tacky actually.... just gonna say it. 
    You can easily get calla lilies shipped right to your door from the and they are super easy to work with to make your own bouquets.   Just group them in your hand and tape the stems with floral tape... then wrap them in a bit of ribbon... voila!
    They are a super hardy flower too and last nice. 

    You could easily do the bouquets 3 days prior to the wedding with cllas... just keep them in cups with about 2 inches or less of water since too much water can split their stems. 

    I say a wedding is a moment in time .. and fresh flowers reflect that perfect minute... fakes are just an imitation... ( yes...i 'm opinoniated... but also right!Laughing)

    have fun...
  • Cynthia1207Cynthia1207 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm not a fan of fake flowers either.  I love flowers so imitations annoy me.  They are a good option if you're on a budget but they might not turn out the way you want them to.
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  • jeanna85jeanna85 member
    edited December 2011
    i think fake flowers are pretty tacky. also, the ones that look very real are often the same price (if not more expensive!) than the fresh flower, which is just silly.
  • kcvball87kcvball87 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    You could use nice fake flowers as part of your base but then mix in real flowers. I'm not a huge fan of fake flowers but I'm using this idea. It cut some costs because I was trying to get a burgundy color and that was the best way for me to get it without going overboard on the budget. The real flowers mixed in really hide that the other flowers are not real, even though these don't look that fake to start with.

    Long story short, you could always mix the 2 ideas, it doesn't have to be one or the other.
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