Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Dollar Dance

In case you don't know what the Dollar Dance is this is what it is:  guests pay $1 (or more if they choose) to dance with either the bride or groom for about 30 seconds; it's a chance for the couple to get some more money to use for whatever (honeymoon, house, savings, etc.).

Both of my sisters had a Dollar Dance at their weddings, and I would love to do that at our wedding.  There's a problem though, my FI doesn't like dancing in front of people unless he's drunk, so he REALLY doesn't want to do a Dollar Dance; I finally got him convinced that we should have a first dance together.  I'm trying to think of something that is the same idea, but doesn't have anything to do with dancing.  One sister suggested that they could pay $1 to limbo with us, or let them pay $1 to get their pic taken with us.  We are going to have a designated place outside the barn for them to get their pic taken for the guestbook, so I'm not sure I want to have to pay $1 to get a pic taken with us.  Do any of you have suggestions?  Thank you for any ideas.

After reviewing the first few responses, I can see that I need to clarify a few things:
My FI just doesn't want to dance.  I wanted suggestions about different ways of doing this, other than dancing.  I want to keep the tradition, but since he doesn't want to dance I'm trying to figure out a compromise so that we are both happy.  I did NOT ask for your opinion about whether or not you agreed with Dollar Dances.  It's not like we're forcing people to pay anything.  If we did do the Dollar Dance, it would last maybe 10 minutes, and then people can spend the remaining 3+ hours dancing as much as they want.  Except for the two VERY elegant weddings that I've been to (ours is NOT going to be an elegant wedding because it's not our personality), every wedding I can remember going to has had a Dollar Dance.  People actually EXPECT there to be one.  Again, I am asking for ideas about a different way of doing this without dancing; I didn't ask if you agreed or disagreed with the tradition.  I just wanted to clarify those things.  Thank you.

Further clarification is apparently needed since people must not be too familiar with the custom unless they are from Iowa, so I now apologize for the lenght of my post.
Again, I was asking ideas different from dancing, like the two my sister suggested.  He told me that we could do it if we want to because it's my wedding, but it's his wedding too.  The whole point was to compromise with him by coming up with something different with the same basic idea as the Dollar Dance.  That's what couples do when they disagree on something; they compromise.  I just haven't found an idea yet that I've thought was absolutly fantastic!  Again, I was NOT asking for people's opinion on wether they disagreed with our custom or not.  If we went with the picture idea, I never said that they could never take a picture with us without paying for it; it would be for just a set period of time during the reception, like for 10 minutes or something.  Again, it's NOT forcing anybody to do anything they don't want to.  If they don't want to pay the $1 they can wait until the time is up, and they can dance with us all they want.  However, some people are like me when they go to weddings; they are too shy to just ask the bride or groom for a dance any other time during the reception except for during the Dollar Dance.  Besides, we won't be seeing any of our guests (except immediate family) until the reception starts so doing something like this gives us a chance to mingle with people in a short amount of time so that we have a better chance of getting to say "hello" to everybody personally.  Also, there would be people that one of us will hardly know that would want to dance (or whatever we decide to do) with us, so it would give us a chance to meet and talk to them a lil bit.  It's not just about the money; the money is just part of the tradition.

Re: Dollar Dance

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    trix1223trix1223 member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]In case you don't know what the Dollar Dance is this is what it is:  guests pay $1 (or more if they choose) to dance with either the bride or groom for about 30 seconds; it's a chance for the couple to get some more money to use for whatever (honeymoon, house, savings, etc.). Both of my sisters had a Dollar Dance at their weddings, and I would love to do that at our wedding.  There's a problem though, my FI doesn't like dancing in front of people unless he's drunk, so he REALLY doesn't want to do a Dollar Dance; I finally got him convinced that we should have a first dance together.  I'm trying to think of something that is the same idea, but doesn't have anything to do with dancing.  One sister suggested that they could pay $1 to limbo with us, or let them pay $1 to get their pic taken with us.  We are going to have a designated place outside the barn for them to get their pic taken for the guestbook, so I'm not sure I want to have to pay $1 to get a pic taken with us.  Do any of you have suggestions?  Thank you for any ideas.
    Posted by farmgirl8806[/QUOTE]

    I'm not in favor of ANYTHING where you make guests pay at your wedding.  I abhor dollar dances,  but at least it's, in some cases, a cultural tradition. 

    I didn't have a $$ dance at our wedding, even though it's very much a tradition in my DH's family.  My sister didn't have a $$ dance at her wedding.  Neither of my children had $$ dances at their weddings.  I don't remember a single person at any of the weddings coming up and saying "But, but, but we really wanted to pay to dance tonight!"

    A guest simply shouldn't have to PAY to dance at your wedding.  And it certainly wouldn't be improved by making it a "limbo".

    But asking people to PAY MONEY to have a photo taken with you is even worse.  It's just crass and greedy. 

    I can promise you that if you charge people to have a photo taken with you, people will talk about your wedding for a long, long time.  But it won't be pleasant.

    Listen to your FI.  Skip the $$ dance.  Particularly if he's so opposed to it.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    SarahPLizSarahPLiz member
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    edited December 2011
    Don't make your guests pay anything. Ever. There is no reason to have a dollar dance except tradition and greed. if you don't want to follow the tradition, then its just greedy, IMO.

    Just skip it.
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Don't charge your guests to dance (or take a picture or limbo) at your wedding. YOU are hosting the party. Just don't do it.
    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    MyNameIsNotMyNameIsNot member
    First Comment First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Dollar dances are ridiculously tacky enough.  Coming up with other ways to get your guests' money is just awful.  

    Treat your guests like loved friends and relatives, not ATMs that are only invited so that you can make a buck.  
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    Mrs.B6302007Mrs.B6302007 member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
      [QUOTE]Do any of you have suggestions?[/QUOTE]

    Yep.  Don't turn your wedding reception into a Mr. and Mrs. Farmer's fundraiser.  Skip all guests-pulling-out-their-wallets activites.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:29Discussion:bc457038-71f9-4351-b964-fc784ac29cddPost:df1f140e-8005-4a99-a505-51b1a07293ee">Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]In case you don't know what the Dollar Dance is this is what it is:  guests pay $1 (or more if they choose) to dance with either the bride or groom for about 30 seconds; it's a chance for the couple to get some more money to use for whatever (honeymoon, house, savings, etc.). Both of my sisters had a Dollar Dance at their weddings, and I would love to do that at our wedding.  There's a problem though, my FI doesn't like dancing in front of people unless he's drunk, so he REALLY doesn't want to do a Dollar Dance; I finally got him convinced that we should have a first dance together.  I'm trying to think of something that is the same idea, but doesn't have anything to do with dancing.  One sister suggested that they could pay $1 to limbo with us, or let them pay $1 to get their pic taken with us.  We are going to have a designated place outside the barn for them to get their pic taken for the guestbook, so I'm not sure I want to have to pay $1 to get a pic taken with us.  Do any of you have suggestions?  Thank you for any ideas.
    AAfter reviewing the first few responses, I can see that I need to clarify a few things: My FI just doesn't want to dance.  I wanted suggestions about different ways of doing this, other than dancing.  I want to keep the tradition, but since he doesn't want to dance I'm trying to figure out a compromise so that we are both happy.  I did NOT ask for your opinion about whether or not you agreed with Dollar Dances.  It's not like we're forcing people to pay anything.  If we did do the Dollar Dance, it would last maybe 10 minutes, and then people can spend the remaining 3+ hours dancing as much as they want.  Except for the two VERY elegant weddings that I've been to (ours is NOT going to be an elegant wedding because it's not our personality), every wedding I can remember going to has had a Dollar Dance.  People actually EXPECT there to be one. <strong> Again, I am asking for ideas about a different way of doing this without dancing; I didn't ask if you agreed or disagreed with the tradition.  I just wanted to clarify those things.  Thank you.
    </strong>Posted by farmgirl8806[/QUOTE]

    The dollar dance is not my favorite thing in the world, but I CAN understand that it is accepted and sometimes expected in certain circles. For some its a tradition, and if people decide to incorporate the dollar dance in their wedding, they should do it to honor tradition, and not to make a quick buck at their wedding.

    I would listen to you fiance, and if he doesn't want to do a dollar dance because he is uncomfortable dancing, I would skip it alltogether. Remember, that its his day too, so do what makes you both comfortable.

    That being said, if you don't do the dollar dance, I would not substitute it with another "dollar" activity. Guests won't be expecting a substitue and really, there is no other even remotely acceptable way to to solicit money from your guests. Its rude, and while people will roll their eyes and play along with the dollar dance, they should not have to fork over money at your wedding.

    My advice is to just skip it alltigether, and just enjoy your wedding. Paying to take pictures with the bride and groom will upset some of your guests, and will probably leave a bad taste in their mouth about your wedding.

    As for your snarky edit to your post:

    If you don't actually do the dollar dance, then you have no tradition to keep. Then you are just asking guests for money, and that is RUDE in any context. I am fine with the dollar dance as long as you are from an area where its expected. I don't like it, but there is absolutely no other "way to do it without dancing." You either do that dollar dance and just ignore what your FI wants, or you don't do the dollar dance, and you don't ask your guets to pay to spend time with you at a party that should be thrown to thank them for whtnessing your wedding.

    And if you post on a public message board, you do not ave a right to dictate the responses you get.
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    kls114kls114 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    IMO I have never seen a dollar dance & do not love the idea but have seen certain cultures (ie. greek traditions) do dances where they shower the B & G with "dollars" as a wishing well to their new life kind of thing. So in a sense it is not totally uncommon, just done differently.

    If you want to do this, then go for it--it is your wedding. As for other ways, I wouldn't do it any other way-- if you are saying that your guests are "expecting" this and are used to this in your area then stick to it. Anything else would probably not go well with your guests.

    **Password: kls114**
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    edited December 2011
    Dollar dances and anything resembling them literally make me sick to my stomach.

    With that said, out of all the possible ways to do a $1 activity - the dance is the least offensive out of all of them (and it is very offensive). All of my guests loved getting their pictures taken with me and I am so glad I have those pictures now. I would be heartbroken if I only had pictures of MH and my family. Do NOT make people to take pics with you. And, a limbo contest sounds fun - just take the $1 part out of it and it will be a great time.

    No, your guests will not be expecting this and believe me, they will be 100% relieved to find out that you did not follow this tacky tradition. You are throwing a WEDDING, a PARTY and you are supposed to be honoring your guests (i.e. giving them a meal, possibly favors, a good time), NOT throwing a "let's see all of the ways I can soliticit money from my guests!" kinda party. See the difference?

    Stop thinking about a wedding and just think about common decency - do $1 dances fit in with that picture in your head? Can't you do the dancing with the B&G part without the $1? Or listen to your FH and squash this idea.

    PLEASE. :-)
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>After reviewing the first few responses, I can see that I need to clarify a few things:</strong> My FI just doesn't want to dance.  I wanted suggestions about different ways of doing this, other than dancing.  I want to keep the tradition, but since he doesn't want to dance I'm trying to figure out a compromise so that we are both happy.  I did NOT ask for your opinion about whether or not you agreed with Dollar Dances.  It's not like we're forcing people to pay anything.  If we did do the Dollar Dance, it would last maybe 10 minutes, and then people can spend the remaining 3+ hours dancing as much as they want.  Except for the two VERY elegant weddings that I've been to (ours is NOT going to be an elegant wedding because it's not our personality), every wedding I can remember going to has had a Dollar Dance.  People actually EXPECT there to be one.  Again, I am asking for ideas about a different way of doing this without dancing; I didn't ask if you agreed or disagreed with the tradition.  I just wanted to clarify those things.  Thank you.
    Posted by farmgirl8806[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div><strong>After reviewing your clarification, I have a few things to clarify:</strong></div><div><strong><span style="font-weight:normal;" class="Apple-style-span">This is an international board where all members are free to comment as they wish on your post. As it is, charging your guests to do ANYTHING at your wedding is RUDE, no matter what is "common." That being said, it is one thing to do something rude that is common in your area, it is quite another to do something rude that is NOT common in your area. You asked what peoples' opinions were, and everyone overwhelmingly told you to skip the dollar ANYTHING out of respect to your future husband and to your guests. If you were just going to be rude anyway, why in the HELLL did you post here asking for opinions? That is just foolish.
    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    edited December 2011
    I'd skip the fundraising and just concentrate on enjoying yourself.  If you are looking for extra cash, cut down on some of your other expenses or ask someone to throw you a jack & jill or shower. 
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    SarahPLizSarahPLiz member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:29Discussion:bc457038-71f9-4351-b964-fc784ac29cddPost:a9e36614-45f9-430c-b78f-1138456ab04c">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd skip the fundraising and just concentrate on enjoying yourself.  If you are looking for extra cash, cut down on some of your other expenses or<strong> ask someone to throw you a jack & jill or shower. 
    </strong>Posted by kitnlvr[/QUOTE]

    This is bad advice as well. You NEVER ask anyone to throw you a party for the purpose of getting gifts. Jack&Jill parties to finance a wedding are even more tacky than the dollar dance, but I understand they are regional. Anyone can host a shower for you, but asking for one is just rude!
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    edited December 2011
    That's kind of silly - if you say you're interested in this dance for the sake of tradition and NOT the money, then don't transfer the money aspect to some other acitivty (doing the limbo, photo taking) when you decide you're not going to do the dance that the tradition was originally connected with.  

    Then it no longer becomes about tradition and it simply looks like the bride and groom are now looking for ways to get their guests to open up their wallets.
    The Bump ate my signature. DD - Apr 2011 DS - expected June 2013
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    MyNameIsNotMyNameIsNot member
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    edited December 2011
    It doesn't matter if you are from Iowa or the moon.  It is incredibly rude and selfish to turn your wedding into a fundraiser.  

    Don't ask your guests to pay for anything.  
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    edited December 2011
    Wow, I have never seen so many rude responses. Whatever happened to "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all"? I won't be coming back to this board, that's for sure!
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    edited December 2011
    What is a jack and jill shower?
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow, I have never seen so many rude responses. Whatever happened to "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all"? I won't be coming back to this board, that's for sure!
    Posted by hotrodgirl[/QUOTE]

    <div>And it is oh, so polite to call others rude.</div>
    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]What is a jack and jill shower?
    Posted by Arther007[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well, I think some people just call co-ed showers a jack and jill. But usually it refers to basically having a party where you invite a ton of people (most of the time charging admission and inviting people who aren't invited to the wedding) and then people *GET* to purchase raffle tickets to try to win lame prizes. This is somehow considered  a polite? way of raising money for the couple.</div>
    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]Further clarification is apparently needed since people must not be too familiar with the custom unless they are from Iowa, so I now apologize for the lenght of my post. Again, I was asking ideas different from dancing, like the two my sister suggested.  He told me that we could do it if we want to because it's my wedding, but it's his wedding too.  The whole point was to compromise with him by coming up with something different with the same basic idea as the Dollar Dance.  That's what couples do when they disagree on something; they compromise.  I just haven't found an idea yet that I've thought was absolutly fantastic!  Again, I was NOT asking for people's opinion on wether they disagreed with our custom or not.  If we went with the picture idea, I never said that they could never take a picture with us without paying for it; it would be for just a set period of time during the reception, like for 10 minutes or something.  Again, it's NOT forcing anybody to do anything they don't want to.  If they don't want to pay the $1 they can wait until the time is up, and they can dance with us all they want.  However, some people are like me when they go to weddings; they are too shy to just ask the bride or groom for a dance any other time during the reception except for during the Dollar Dance.  Besides, we won't be seeing any of our guests (except immediate family) until the reception starts so doing something like this gives us a chance to mingle with people in a short amount of time so that we have a better chance of getting to say "hello" to everybody personally.  Also, there would be people that one of us will hardly know that would want to dance (or whatever we decide to do) with us, so it would give us a chance to meet and talk to them a lil bit.  It's not just about the money; the money is just part of the tradition.
    Posted by farmgirl8806[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>You are the one not getting it. Once you do anything other than dancing, it is no longer the tradition with which you are familiar. If you want to mingle and say hello to everyone, then form a receiving line and/or go around to the tables at dinner and talk to everyone. Heck, you could even set up a picture-taking time for people to come up and take pictures with the bride & groom and then *and here's a novel idea* --just don't charge them for hard? I think not. Just have your DJ announce it and tell guests where they can line up for it. Shesh. There is just no reason to charge your guests here, especially if you're not following the "tradition" you love so much.

    White Knot
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Thank you EmilyKathleen. I have to agree with the pp. If you are doing a dollar dance, then you are not following your beloved tradition. You are just asking for money then.
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    lalap69lalap69 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wow, I have never seen so many rude responses. Whatever happened to "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all"? I won't be coming back to this board, that's for sure!
    Posted by hotrodgirl[/QUOTE]
    Yes, keeping your mouth shut when someone asks your opinion on something terribly rude makes sense.  What's the purpose of the boards then?  So we can all gush over everything and no one can get an honest answer?
    Planning Our Wedding - Updated 04/11/11
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    "If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
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    MeganP14MeganP14 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hi farmgirl. This may be a helpful response you are looking for. At a wedding once, in place of a dollar dance, they did a Bride vs. Groom challenge. The bridesmaids and groomsmen carried large colorful buckets. The bride and groom both made "wagers." If the bride won then she got the remote for a year. If the groom won he got sex weekly. It is just for fun, so think up something creative. Then a song was played and the bridesmaids and groomsmen collected money from everyone at the reception. The won with the most money collected was the winner!! It was a perfect idea for them, and may be for you instead of the dance. Hope this helps :)
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi farmgirl. This may be a helpful response you are looking for. At a wedding once, in place of a dollar dance, they did a Bride vs. Groom challenge. The bridesmaids and groomsmen carried large colorful buckets. The bride and groom both made "wagers." If the bride won then she got the remote for a year. If the groom won he got sex weekly. It is just for fun, so think up something creative. Then a song was played and the bridesmaids and groomsmen collected money from everyone at the reception. The won with the most money collected was the winner!! It was a perfect idea for them, and may be for you instead of the dance. Hope this helps :)
    Posted by MeganP14[/QUOTE]

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    edited December 2011
    Thannks MeganP14!  Sounds like a fun idea.  When were sitting in the hospital cafeteria with my mom the other night, we thought of an idea similar to the one you suggested.  We thought about having two bowls on a table somewhere at the reception.  The point is to let teh guest decide how my FI will remove the garter (by hand or with his mouth), and guests would put something (money, kenel of corn, etc.) in the bowl for which way they want to vote on.  Whichever bowl had the most money in it would be how he removes it.  However, my FI made the point that it would require having another person to be in charge of something, and it does get away from the idea of talking to people, unless the two of us stood next to the bowls trying to "sway" the votes for which way we want them to vote.  lol
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    edited December 2011
    Hey Farmgirl8806, I really do not have an answer to your question but I am trying to figure out the same thing. In my family a dollar dance is expected(my family is from Iowa) and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I did go to a wedding once were the Bride and Groom played tug of war and wedding guest placed bets on who would win. Of course the money all went to the bride and groom. 
    Good Luck!
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    edited December 2011
    Tug of War!  That sounds like fun!
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    edited December 2011
    Hi farmgirl,

    One big thing I've learned on these boards is that you'll rarely get a direct answer to your question - especially when it comes to controversial topics (i.e. asking any kind of question about having a head table will inevitably turn into a head-table-bashing thread!).  You just have to sift through the responses and take what you want, leave what you don't.  There ARE rude girls on these boards who think that their way is the only way and anyone who thinks differently is not only wrong but stupid - just like there are rude people in real life - and you have to deal with them like you deal with rude people in real life.  They're certainly not going to change their attitude or opinion just because you ask them to, and if you confront them about it, chances are it will just escalate - as evidenced on this thread!  I've started to just put the words "in my opinion" in front of everybody's posts as I read them and take it as that - a stranger's opinion!

    Personally, I don't see anything really wrong with dollar dances if they are a tradition in your area and family.  You know your guests much better than I do and how they would react to something like this!  I do agree that you shouldn't transfer the "dollar" idea to anything else just because your fiance doesn't like to dance.  I like the tug of war idea or something like that to replace the dollar dance.
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    edited December 2011
    Thank you mrb5000, and you are absolutly right about the other people.  On my local boar, people don't treat others with such disrespect; they usually do their best to answer the question.  Smile
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    trix1223trix1223 member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thank you mrb5000, and you are absolutly right about the other people.  On my local boar, people don't treat others with such disrespect; they usually do their best to answer the question. 
    Posted by farmgirl8806[/QUOTE]

    You weren't treated with disrespect.  And you were given answers to your question.  Lots and lots of answers.  Most every one the same.  It's just not the answer you want to hear.  I assume that's why you keep posting the same question on several boards.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    miss.jawrightmiss.jawright member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011

    My cousin decided to do both a money dance and a money tree. Now this seemed a bit over board to me but  a money tree is something I have see in the past. It is usually a manzanita brach covered with clips that guests can hang dollar bills from. However since many people are moving away from "dollar dances" maybe you could call it a honeymoon tree and have you dj mention if people want to help you on your honeymoon they can go on their own and pin somthing on. I hope that's what you were looking for.

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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Dollar Dance</a>:
    [QUOTE]My cousin decided to do both a money dance and a money tree. Now this seemed a bit over board to me but  a money tree is something I have see in the past. It is usually a manzanita brach covered with clips that guests can hang dollar bills from. However since many people are moving away from "dollar dances" maybe you could call it a honeymoon tree and have you dj mention if people want to help you on your honeymoon they can go on their own and pin somthing on. I hope that's what you were looking for.
    Posted by miss.jawright[/QUOTE]
    Yes it was, thank you.  It is certainly another idea to think about.  I have never heard of a money tree.
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