Some of you may have heard me talk about my FI's messed up family. I think, now, everything is great, and we get along really well, and they like me a lot. However, before I came along, his mom was married 6 times, and his dad 4. There were affairs, nasty divorces, and there are still lines drawn in the sand amongst the 'adults.' FI and all 8 of his siblings get along great, FYI.
And without sounding too braggy, I grew up with what I consider the perfect example of marriage. We had NO money, had to go weeks at a time w/out meat to eat, but my parents are seriously such an inspiration. They are a true testament to working through the hard stuff and coming out the other end with a wonderful life.
My question is, at the reception, I want to thank everyone for coming, and I definitely want to thank my parents for being such an inspiration, and for helping FI and I through the hard times when our relationship wasn't at its best (mostly when we were long distance).
Is there even a way to do this w/out sounding tacky toward his parents? I DO want to honor my parents, even if for 5 seconds, because they sacrificed SO much for us kids, and to give us lives they themselves never could have dreamed of.
I just want honest opinions, because as messed up as FI's family is, they have all been super super welcoming to me, and they get along great with my parents. The last thing I want to do is offend them.