Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

David's bridal photography

I.m starting to have second thoughts about Davids bridal photography they are really cheap comparedto everyone else ive found. any reviews good or bad would be appreciated!

Re: David's bridal photography

  • edited December 2011
    stay away...far far away. know too many brides who have regretted this decision.
  • atomicphotoatomicphoto member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Its a bad idea to go with any of the big "umbrella" companies (davids bridal, the pros, bella) because they provide very impersonal service overall. There are tons of bad reviews for them across multiple forums. I say if youre having second thoughts, it is probably for good reason... trust your instinct. (also... cheaper doesn't always equal better)

  • edited December 2011
    I haven't been able to find review on them either. Everyone says stay away from but they never was a customer of Davids bridal photography. I do not understand, if there services are so bad why isn't there any reviews? I met with a representative @ a Davids bridal store. The only downfall is you won't be able to meet the actual photographer who is shooting your wedding until the balance is paid. 
  • edited December 2011
    I just called and said i need to meet with their photographers until we find one we love or I'm canceling the contract. They hacent given me an answer but they have until Friday or I'm done.
  • photogbride12photogbride12 member
    edited December 2011
    There aren't reviews because it's a new service. Just wait for the bad reviews to start rolling in. I posted about this earlier when someone else asked about it - they hire non-professionals and pay very low and they have someone there who edits the photos, the photographer doesn't. It's a contract for hire situation so you really never know who you're getting or what equipment/skill they have. They're essentially hiring photographers who can't find work on their own. Do you really wnat someone shooting who has no vested interest in whether or not they do a good job? It's not their job/business/name on the line.
  • The photographer you work with is a KEY piece of your day.  You need to know you like them click with them & like the style of their art.  The companies that just book you for a great deal and say you will meeet the photogarpher 2 months or 2 weeks before...that is because they dont even know who it will be until then.  They pay cheap money to photographers that will work for it and have high turnover because the photographers may go to work for someone else or for themselves. - And the person shooting your wedding is "working" for a chain company....are they really going to be invested in your photos...are they worried about how you will like them after?  I would think really good on this.
  • I loved DBP. I am actually a customer of them and I highly recommend it!!!!! They did an amazing job with my pictures and I am extremely happy!!!! Don't listen to people who have never even used DBP. I have and I'm telling you, they are amazing. Trust your gut and listen to people who have actually used them!!! My pictures are fantastic and I am so happy. Wouldn't have had it any other way!
  • I am getting married in October and I signed with David's Bridal Photography.  I have so many complaints already that I don't even know where to begin.  First, I signed with DBP in late January 2012.  They would not set me up with a photographer until four months before my wedding (four months before = June).  I looked at the website of the photographer they set me up with and I almost cried.  No offense to the poor guy, but well, I could take as good of pictures with a point-and-shoot camera.  Also, they set you up with a "Personal Event Coordinator".  It turns out this is someone that works at David's Bridal Photographer CORPORATE.  So when I have a question regarding my photography I have to call a 1-800 number.  And I'm sure my PEC is a very busy person, but she was horrible at contacting me back.  In fact, most of the time she did not call/email me back at all.

    Please, please, do not do what I did, for your sanity.  STAY AWAY FROM DAVID'S BRIDAL PHOTOGRAPHY!
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