Pre-wedding Parties

bridal shower

ok so this is going to be a newbie question but my FMIL is hosting a bridal shower for me and I have no clue what to expect out of it except that she is cooking TONS of her amazing food (she is a great cook) decorating her house with flowers, and inviting anybody I tell her to invite plus most of her friends. I want to be prepared to help her if she asks me what else she should do for it (very very possible) So basically Im wondering what usually goes on at a bridal shower and what we should try to do or not do to make it special. Again this is just in case she asks for my opionion or help.

Re: bridal shower

  • edited December 2011
    You open gifts.  People eat and chat.  Sometimes there are games (like creating wedding dresses out of toilet paper, or the bride answering questions about her FI).  That's pretty much it.

    I know nothing about my shower this Saturday, hosted by FMIL and FSILs, except where and when to show up, and most of who's coming.
  • edited December 2011
    You eat, you talk to friends and family, you open gifts and you have cake.  Some people play games (we aren't at mine) but you don't have to.  If you like games you can google bridal shower games and I'm sure you'll find tons of them.  Oh, and there's something about the number of ribbons you break opening packages is the number of kids you'll have so be careful when opening :) 
  • aaliya12aaliya12 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    This will gonna great, I thinkt this one is the best ceremony, and I love just this even in the complete wedding, So be ready for your once. :)
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