Pre-wedding Parties


What are ur thoughts on joint bachelor/bachelorette parties? My fiance brought up the idea but I don't agree

Re: HELP!!

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    First you need to have people willing to host you bachelor/bachelorette parties. You don't throw those for youself. If someone offers to throw you a joint one, I really think it's personal preference. Although H and I had separate parties, we have a lot of mutual friends so I think one big get-together would have been fun.

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    edited July 2012
    We're having a joint one.  Sort of.  It's not really a bachelor/bachelorette party, because what's going on is we're hosting a joint party to for our wedding party, instead of them hosting an event for us.  (We're calling it the Wedding Party Party.)  It's really just supposed to be a chance for everyone to get together and hang out before the wedding (our wedding is on a Sunday and it's the Friday before), and for us to say thank you to our wedding party for being the awesome friends they are.  But we've kind of asked them not to throw bachelor or bachelorette parties and just come to this instead if they're able.  We've both known too many people who have lost friends or damaged friendships over traditional b-parties, and just feel like they're a really bad idea.

    Also, neither of us is a big fan of the "last night of freedom" thing- we're already in a committed relationship; it's be just as disrespectful to one another now to grind on strippers/make out with strange men in bars/whatever as it will be when we get married, ya know?  We just think it'll be great to hang out with our friends, and most of our friends overlap.
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    I don't see why it's a bad idea. You can kill two birds with one stone! And it's not like ya'll should be doing anything that your fiance can't know about. However, I understand wanting to have your own girls night out. It's tradition. Plus it's better for your girlfriends who don't have a boyfriend, husband, etc., they might feel a bit uncomfortable with the guys attending. Especially if all of your girlfriend's, but one, boyfriend, fiance, or husband are there, that one person will probably feel like the "third wheel". I'm wondering what your reluctancy to it is, while your fiance is so for it though.
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