So, ever since I asked my future sister in law to be my MOH, she has expressed excitement about planning the bridal showe. We are getting married in July so she was saying she wouldn't need to start planning until this year, giving her 6 months to plan. However, Janurary is quickly ending and she hasn't done anything. Everytime we speak she talks about how the shower will be fun and then makes vauge comments about how we could do a afternoon tea or how she found cute invites, and my mom keeps asking me what I would like us to do for the shower, but the aren't talking to each other. And neither seems to know who would pay for what. My parents are paying for the whole wedding, so I am a little annoyed that my MOH expected them to do the shower as well. I know she has a spending problem (a fact I have become more aware of over the past year) so now I'm worried she hasn't saved any money for it.
One of my other bridesmaids has been sending everyone websites of possible locations and has expensive taste but doesn't seem to expect to put any money in.
I'm tired of all the sitting around, talking about it & acting like we have all the time in the world. I sent them all a group e-mail saying "Hey, talk to each other" so they can all be on the same page but they are still acting helpless, saying things like "Well, I don't know what weekends all the girls are free", they have each others' contact info, why can't they think, "Oh maybe I should ask them?" They seem to expect me to provide them with all the information but I have the rest of the wedding to plan (I have recieved little help from MOH or mom with the real planning). They all say they want to have a shower, then why can't 4 grown women plan one party?