My son (24) is getting married this year out-of state and then moving across the country. Several of his closest hometown friends are invited to the wedding, but realistically some would be unable to attend due to financial constraints. He has many more friends he has not invited due to this financial and logistical issue.
I consulted some of his groomsmen and it was agreed that my son would better appreciate a "Jack & Jill" party format held for them since many of his closest friends are female.
I am willing to finance such a party to be held at a restaurant here in his hometown, and thought it would be great to invite as many of his friends as possible for one last get together before he moves. However, it came to my attention it is not "proper etiquette" to invite people not invited to the wedding.
What are some opinions about this quandary? If a wedding is planned for a site that is a far distance for the majority of friends/family to be able to attend, is it okay or tacky to extend an invite to a pre-wedding party. Invites have not yet gone out, so inout will be greatly appreciated.