Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Wedding week at Hobby Lobby???

I may have dreamt this but I could swear I saw something in a post about Hobby Lobby doing wedding week where wedding stuff is 50% every other week... does anyone have any info on this?

Re: Wedding week at Hobby Lobby???

  • cwaggoner07cwaggoner07 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited August 2012
    I would check the website and read their weekly ads. That's what I did, and I saved a TON on little wedding things.
  • Oh trust me I do, I'm pretty sure HobLob should have a restraining order against me!!
  • I've bought 80% of my wedding stuff there and I go @ least once a week.  I went today and didn't notice wedding stuff 50% off but I know it was last week.  I would call and just ask so you don't waste a trip.  You can also get the app on your phone and use their 40% off coupon on stuff

  • edited August 2012
    Ok so I'm not the only one. LOL my daughter rolls her eyes every time I say I'm going there. And it's ALOT! Speaking of I need to go there Saturday.
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  • I actually found that out from a person who worked there. I went during the off wedding week and had a bunch of stuff to buy, she told me that if I came back at the start of the next week it would be 1/2 off. It's that way every other week.
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  • I've been stalking Hobby Lobby and twice so far, I've seen wedding things half off. I think it's fairly common.
  • Thanks guys! Happy Hobby Lobbying!
  • I just stopped by the Hobby Lobby off of 121 and Glade Rd (Colleyville) this morning. They only had 50% off wedding supplies by "His and Hers." Still looked like a good amount of items though!
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