I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed with how many people are buying "off the registry" for my wedding in a week. At my shower, fully HALF of the gifts I received were things I did not register for. Some things do not even match the things we actually did register for - not even close (i.e. if you were going to buy us towels off the registry, wouldn't you at least buy them in the same colors we asked for on the registry?). If the actual wedding follows suit, it will be the biggest hassle ever to try to return everything.
I should also explain that gifts in general are going to be a hassle for us, because we live far away from where my family lives, and we are having the wedding closer to them. So if people bring gifts to the wedding, we are going to have to either a) return everything there and buy it again here, or b) try to ship it. That's all gifts, not just registry gifts. On top of that, if they buy off the registry and if they don't include gift receipts with their off-registry gifts (which hasn't been the case so far), we have to run around and figure out where all this came from and sometimes the store won't even take it back.
I seriously do not understand what the problem is with buying things that I asked for - if it's a money thing, there are many many things that I registered for that are under $25. If they can't get to the store (a lot of people live in small towns) they can go online and send it directly to our house. If they don't want to buy anything we registered for, they can send us a gift card. I'm seriously not getting what the deal is here.
Anyway, this is really just a rant. I know that they mean well and are doing what they think is best. But I'm finding it really hard to be grateful when I know exactly how much hassle this is going to cause me...
Perspective, anyone?