Registry and Gift Forum

Non-Specific Gift Registry

Hi all,
The thought of starting a gift registry does not sound fun to me, and I've been trying to think of a way to make it as general as possible. I really want to avoid having a list where every single item must be that specific item - and I don't just mean having a combined Gift 360 Registry where you can list items from multiple stores.  For example, sure, I'd like a butter dish or maybe some salad spoons- but I really don't care what kind they are. Of course, for bigger items, I wouldn't mind listing something a little more detailed, but for the most part I'd much rather have a general list.  That way people can still check off something that they bought, but adds a little more personal element and surprise.

Does anyone know where I can set up this kind of gift registry?

Re: Non-Specific Gift Registry

  • I've never heard of the type of registry you are referring to.  But, keep in mind, just because you register for a particular butter dish doesn't mean your guests have to buy said butter dish. Your registry is a guide for your guests.  It shows them what you need or what you'd like to have, but no one is required to purchase from it.  Some people aren't particularly creative and prefer to buy from a registry.  Some people will use your registry as a guide and buy similar gifts elsewhere.  And some people will even go entirely off registry and buy gifts that they feel are appropriate.  
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
  • What you are describing is actually the gift registry of old.  You picked out a china, crystal, and silver pattern and then let the store know you also needed some version of x, y, and z.  The only stores that really do this anymore are small china shops.  I registered at a local china shop in my hometown that actually gave me a clipboard and I simply wrote down brands I like, types of things I needed, etc.  If people come into that store they pull out the clipboard and tell the person, "well she wants a casserole stand.  These are the ones we sell."

    The problem is that these are usually  local places with a minimal online presence.  Bromberg's and Table Matters in Birmingham does this, as does Charles Willis in Atlanta (I believe).  Babcock Gifts in Memphis is another place you can look, along with The Registry in Nashville.  They all have an online presence.  Your best bet is probably to find a small china shop where a lot of your guests are from and see if they follow this model.

    Or.... you could just choose something.  Honestly as a guest, I'm a lot more comfortable buying the butter dish I know you chose then picking one out on my own.  It will also give you an opportunity to find things that coordinate or match.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don't know where you can find a registry like that, unfortunately.

    Registering doesn't have to be very complicated.  Get a list of common items (there's one in a sticky at the top of this board) and pick a store or two (I recommend Macy's and/or Bed, Bath, and Beyond).  Registering becomes a huge process when you start comparing two items and agonize over which butter dish represents you guys as a couple and/or is going to fit best in your future home.  Clearly, you won't have that problem (and I feel sorry for anyone who does) because you don't care.

    I say attack the list once every week or two: hit the big items, then the medium items, and then the small things that you don't care about.  If after the first or second attempt you're sick of it, stop.  Who cares if you didn't wind up registering for serving spoons because you got tired of the registry hassle?  Just do as much as you can and ask your fiance to pitch in.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • That's exactly the problem I'm having.
    I'm using when I see something online that we like and am thinking the fact that we have things from amazon plus 7 other random stores may lead people to think we're not picky about brands or styles.
    I'm also try to figure out a way to word our wedding website registry page that says if you want to get us something, we have a few ideas, if you don't want to get us anything, come dance with us or call and say happy marriage. I PROMISE I will not really write that on our page, nor do I recommend that you do it but I'm playing around with the paragraph the registry page has for house style, colors etc. If you can think of a way to word that, let me know!

  • Hi celiamiles .. Your idea really sounds great fun. I also like it that we will create a non specific registry. I think we can consult it with different online gift registry provider. May be they have such options. I have created my wedding registry with our Wishing well . I think I should ask them for such services and let you know about it.

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