Registry and Gift Forum

Experience with Kohls?

I was just looking at my Kohl's registry and it looks like some of my items are missing, if something goes out of stock/isn't available do they just remove it from your registry without notifying you? I swear things are missing but I can't remember what exactly but I would like to know so I could replace them with similar in stock items. These aren't items that people have bought already because those items are clearly marked "fulfilled" the items in question are just totally gone. Anybody have experience with this?
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Experience with Kohls?

  • Yep they take them off without notifying you.  I had a Kohl's registry for a short time and deleted it as soon as I noticed this happening.  I didn't want to have to stalk it every day.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I have not had any problems with mine. All the items I had on there that are out of stock or being discontinued say it so I have not noticed anything that is missing.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited April 2012
    I had a TERRIBLE experience with Kohl's and ended up deleting my registry there.  I'd originally used them because they have great sales on top of already reasonable prices and I thought that would be great for our guests... it just wasn't worth the hassle.  Their stock turns over much too often and I was never notified when things became unavailable, I was frequently locked out of my registry, and when I'd call customer service they'd tell me my registry didn't exist.  After a couple rounds of that, I threw in the towel.
  • I haven't had any problems with Kohl's. We had one item get discontinued and it wasn't removed.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • me and FI went and did a registry with Khols spent almost an hour and a half to do it , then they booted it to the system and it lost our whole registry so we got to walk out without one there, they had no way to bring it back up , was very disappointed . Totally wasted our time then.
    Future Mrs.Wilber!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Experience with Kohls?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yep they take them off without notifying you.  I had a Kohl's registry for a short time and deleted it as soon as I noticed this happening.  I didn't want to have to stalk it every day.
    Posted by hoffse[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>How did you delete it?</div>
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