I spent the morning melting down crayons with my 7 year old daughter, but it's ironic because planning this wedding is making me soooo stressed out - and I can't figure out why.
When I was single always said I wanted a 2nd wedding somewhere with just him and me and nobody else; well, maybe the kids - but after meeting the man of my dreams and waking up every single day feeling like I hit the lottery or as if it were Christmas I find myself planning a 2nd wedding which isn't much unlike the first. The only thing I can come up with is that I never thought I would feel this way - and I certainly never thought I would find someone who would come into my life and it would feel like he was always there - that he would love my son and daughter as if they were his own - seriously, it's scary wonderful. I never feel like I'm waiting for the shoe to drop, and I never feel like "it's just a matter of time" ...instead I really see us growing old together and every single day we tell one another how much we love each other and how we will do our very best to love one another for forever (this time). It is a bit easier since it's a 2nd wedding for us both - so at least the scales are even. We are even counting the days until we can have a child together! Then why am I struggling?
My first wedding was on the West Coast. I had my parents, sister, brother, 2 girlfreinds that flew out from the East Coast and the rest was his friends and family. I gues there is this huge part of me that regrets not having my family and friends on my wedding day the first time around and finally I will (this time). Then why do I still feel overwhelmed and like I'm melting down. The wedding is bigger cost-wise than I wanted and it just seems like every decision is so daunting. I never ever had this the first time around. I can't even committ to colors! Something so simple. Even my dress was a struggle. I bought one that was simple and 2nd-wedding-ish but I wasn't REALLY happy. So I returned it and bought the dress that I really wanted the first time around.
My God I'm rambling! Ugh. I just don't know how to move forward without feeling so overwhelmed like I'm going to have a melt-down.
How can I get OVER this feeling. It is NOT the groom - it's the planning and maybe even the guilt of "why am I doing this - AGAIN?" and I keep saying - well why should my "wedding" be remembered as the one that ended in divorce? Why wouldn't I want this special day with the one that I know within my heart of hearts it's just right.
It's 10:39 - is it too early for a drink? LOL