I just joined a stepmom forum to get ready for what's going to come after the wedding. There's a sticky thread about "what would you like to tell other women thinking about becoming a stepmom?" and some of these women make it sound like a fate worse than Auschwitz.
"My advice to anyone considering this? Just run. Run like hell. Truly, I don't need to know the circumstances. I don't need to know how much you LUUUUUURVE him. I don't want to hear how you can make such a difference in his and his kids' lives. I. Just. Don't. Care. In my experience, it is SO RARE that these things turn out well and it is SO INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT getting them to do so, that it's just not worth it. The personal costs are way too high and you deserve better. Across the board and without exception. "
"All things considered my DH has no "big" issues. With that in mind hear me when I say, I would not sign up for this again...ever."
"I would say, "do not get married until the kids are out of the house". Dating is one thing and living the stepmom life is another. But, that's based on my experience alone. Had I known then, what I know now, I would have lived in my house, with my kitties and just dated my husband."
"Separate bank accounts and separate homes. Period. End of story. Don't plan on living together until the kids have moved away and have lives of their own or risk the chance that they will come live with you.The problems never go away and it doesn't really get better. You can't change him or them. If you can't survive the next 5 or 10 years at war (battleground = your house), think hard about bailing now. Sorry to be blunt. It's a hard life."
Yeah, I know that living together in a step relationship is unpredictable and insanely difficult at times, but I waited a long, long time for real and permanent love to come into my life. When it did, it came in the form of a man with kids. It will make life more complicated, for sure, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Bad days as a stepmom with a husband who loves her will always be better than even good days as a lonely single woman without kids, IMO.
Hello, bitterness train...sorry, I'll take the next one.
They didn't have you where I come from...never knew the best was yet to come...