My husband and I are planning a wedding for June 2012, we got married in the court right before he left on deployment 3 months ago. I am married to a wonderful man with 3 great kids. For the most part his ex wife and I politely avoid each other when we can, living on opposite sides of the country helps. My folks are divorced and have been most of my life, both are remarried and they have always had very harmonious relationships with all my "parents" so i'm trying to have that kind of situation with the ex wife.
Sorry back to the issue at hand, my husbands daughter who is 6 called me "mommy Jenn" last week when I called to talk to the kids and since her brothers are both younger they do whatever she does so now all three are calling me "mommy Jenn". I have no idea where this idea came from but I know it's making their mother absolutely furious.
My problem is i'm honored that the kids think of me as another mommy, that is how I was raised with biological and step parents all being "mommy" and "dad". But I don't want to stir the pot with the ex wife. Is there a graceful way to let her know that i'm not trying to steal her kids? Please help!