Second Weddings

rehearsal dinner H-E- double hockey sticks

sooooooo the FI family has offer to do the reahearsal dinner. I started planning it at a restaurant FI and I really like a while back assuming that we would pay ( his family has completely not involved themselves with anything to do with this wedding which whatever so be it)
So when I was planning it was just bridal party and parents everyone said they they werent bringing dates because of the cost  which I really appreciated .. Okay now tables turn his family paying for and now it jumped up to like five more people because more people in his family are now coming that arent in bridal party and his dad says if anyone want drinks they have to pay for them.

Is this normal? I think its totally tacky to make people pay for their drinks

Re: rehearsal dinner H-E- double hockey sticks

  • edited December 2011
    We are paying for the rehearsal dinner ourselves...due to finances, we decided that if people want to drink alcohol, then they can pay for it.  We also figured that honestly...we didn't want people to get too hung over for the wedding.

    For my brother's rehearsal (I did the planning), we just offered a Jungle Juice...and then anything else, they went out to the bar to order.

    I was thinking about maybe paying a bottle of champagne or two for a toast...but just depends on money at the time.
  • mybooboosmybooboos member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    We're you planning on having an open bar, or limited alcohol (beer/wine, or 2 drink max, etc)?  If the idea of PAYG (pay as you go) drinks bothers you, is the option of financing just the bar tab an option for you?  This way, you get the experience that you envisioned, the guests don't have to come out of their pocket for drinks, and you're still spending much less than you anticipated, since you were planning on funding the entire RD.  This could possibly please everyone...

    Just a thought...

    Presentation is everything!! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • debnchrisdebnchris member
    edited December 2011
    thanks girls !
    Actually now that I step back and look at it no one is really going to drink! Possbly my mom may have a glass of wine and FI family but really no one will be ordering a bunch of drins  I'll give my credit card as a back up to make father in law happy but I'm really now wondering how this ever became an issue???
    I just wanna be on my honeymoon!!!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    We are hosting three parties for our weekend wedding. We are paying for all the drinks, but the way I found of not get my guests too hung over was to strict the drink options. On the RD, we will serve wine based drinks like Kir Royal, beer, sodas and water. On the wedding reception, we will be serving Wine, Spumante, Gin, whisky, beer, soda and water. On the Farwell Lunch we will serve mimosas, beer, soda and water only. This reduced a lot our expenses with alcohol!
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