Hi Girls-
My wedding is in just over 90 days and I feel like everything is coming together really well. FI and I are footing the bill for the whole enchilada, and we've done quite well sticking to our budget and setting money aside as we've needed to.
Then the other day, it hits me. We need to pay for a rehearsal dinner! Ack! Truth is, I completely forgot about this part of the wedding!
We are having a very small wedding, about 50 guests, 2 attendants each, and 4 kids. We will likely have 2 readings, the 'marriage' ceremony, then the 'family' ceremony, and that's it. We will need to rehearse to make sure everything runs smoothly, I'm not willing to just wing it the day of.
I'd been thinking of asking FMIL if we could head to her condo, which is nearby the wedding site, after the rehearsal and simply put some burgers on the grill with salads, etc. and maybe asking folks to bring a dish to pass. FI and I would foot the bill for the burgers and fixings, drinks, paper goods, and cutlery.
I spoke to my mom about this and she said that instead of 'putting FMIL out' we can just 'all go out to dinner afterward and everyone can pay for themselves'. I know she's trying to be gracious and lift this burden for us and FMIL, but I don't feel right about that. Is that even an option?
Give me some ideas girls, I'm open to anything. Thanks!
Edited for typos.

Meddied since 6/15/13!