For second time brides... Who didn't change their name after divorce...
Did you use your maiden name on your invitations or your legal (yet ex's) last name?
I cann't decide which one I want to use. I feel like I should use my maiden name but I haven't used that name in almost 9 years. It's weird when I hear my maiden name used.
I am sure etiquette says I should use maiden but I am really just curious what did y'all used or are using?
Re: Name on invitation
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[QUOTE]For second time brides... Who didn't change their name after divorce... Did you use your maiden name on your invitations or your legal (yet ex's) last name? I cann't decide which one I want to use. I feel like I should use my maiden name but I haven't used that name in almost 9 years. It's weird when I hear my maiden name used. I am sure etiquette says I should use maiden but I am really just curious what did y'all used or are using?
Posted by RusticBride13[/QUOTE]
I went back to my maiden name after my divorce, but is it possible to have no last name?
I've seen a lot of invites that don't include the brides last name, especially if the parents are hosting???? Just a thought. Although your last name would be different....good luck!
June 1, 2013 - finally making it official!
[QUOTE]I can't really answer that, since I never changed my name with either marriage. However, you really need to use the name your invited guests know you by.
Posted by 2dBride[/QUOTE]
I'm in the same boat ... never changed my name with either marriage. But if you've kept the first husband's name, that's what you need to use on your invitations, unless you go with just your first name (not higly recommended).
[QUOTE]Problem: WILL your guests know which "Sarah" this is? It's a common name.
Posted by RetreadBride[/QUOTE]
<div>LOL yes, considering we are having only 50 guests that are immeadiate family.... I dont see how they could confuse the bride with someone else? But I might use my middle name or maiden name... still undecided. But I reufse to use my ex's last name. I just didnt feel like changing it back ot my maiden when I knew I would be taking my FH's name</div>
Now, on any "legal" items (for work, credit cards, bank accounts, etc), I have no choice but to use my married last name....but everything else, I use my maiden name for. In my mind, it's kind of like if a woman doctor gets married she *could* be known as Dr. MaidenName, but could also be considered Mrs. MarriedName.
In the end, go with what you feel comfortable with.